AP - Heston Allowed to Run for Unprecedented Third Term as NRA President


May 3, 2000 - 11:39 AM

Heston Allowed to Run for Unprecedented Third Term as NRA President

By Douglas Kiker
Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON (AP) - Charlton Heston will be allowed to run for an unprecedented third term as president of the National Rifle Association at the group's annual convention later this month.

NRA spokesman Bill Powers said today that the gun lobby's bylaws are being amended to allow Heston, first elected in 1998, to run for a third term. Traditionally, NRA officers are elected to one-year terms and may only serve two terms concurrently.

Heston and the NRA have been in the political spotlight of late, particularly once Congress began considering gun legislation following a rash of school shootings across the nation. The NRA has vehemently lobbied against proposed new restrictions on gun owners' rights.

Heston also recently appeared in a series of political ads that critics say portrayed President Clinton as a liar during the recent fight over the legislation.

Another NRA leader, executive vice president Wayne LaPierre, accused Clinton in March of exploiting gun deaths for political purposes. The White House angrily accused the NRA of making "outrageous and disgusting" charges about the president and called on the group's political supporters to repudiate the statements. Several of Clinton's harshest critics, including House Judiciary Committee Chairman Henry Hyde, R-Ill., called on LaPierre to apologize.

Heston, however, defended LaPierre on NBC's "Today" last month: "You guys owe Wayne an apology. He was right and you guys were wrong."

The NRA will elect its officers at its annual convention, scheduled for May 19-21 in Charlotte, N.C.

Slowpoke Rodrigo...he pack a gon...

I voted for the Neal Knox 13

I'll see you at the TFL End Of Summer Meet!
It's good to have Moses on our side :cool:
As far as I'm concerned he has done the job :)

We preserve our freedoms by using four boxes: soap,ballot,jury, and cartridge.
Well good, maybe I won't have to pull my "My President is Charlton Heston" sticker off my bumper :D .

Until the antis put a sign in their front yard that says they don't own guns, they are riding on the shirt-tail of the safety that we provide by owning them.
I don’t think that Neal will care for that idea too much. ;)

I personally think Mr. Heston has done a fine job, although he got off to a rocky start with the AK47 business. ALL gun-owners owe him a debt of gratitude for willing to step up to the plate and endure the slings and arrows of the antis.

Mr. Knox is also a fine fellow and I do hope that he is around for a long time.

Fantastic News!
Makes my Day! :)
Just too bad he's not about 10 years younger;
he might have his eyes on another office...

...defend the 2nd., it protects us all.
No fate but what we make...
I'm not sure how ecstatic I am, but the man has certainly done better than I thought he would. I don't even know who else is running, which is OK 'cause I don't think I vote in this anyway.
This is good.

Heston has been steadily improving; the attack on Clinton was GREAT. Right now we need a united front against Gore, this election year isn't just about the Presidency, it's about the next batch of Supremes before Emerson hits.

I have wondered why Heston has steadily improved. Think about it. Did he not know the right things to say when he was first "elected" to the position of NRA President? What he says should be an indication of what he believes, no?

He seems like a politician taking polls to find out the right thing to do or voting whacky until reaction from his constituency gets him on track. What I mean is, it has bothered me ever since he made those stupid statements about AK-47 ownership. It really bothered me. Still does. 'Can't shake it.

Why didn't he start out where he is now? If I can ask that question, then I can ask this one: where is he now (on the issues). Yeah, I know what he said about Clinton lying. I also remember the radio interview about the AKs too. Where was he on RKBA then? Ever think about it? Remember the part he played from Hollywood in '68. He played an important anti role in some of the severest limitations that exist on RKBA.

I don't trust him and I won't until he comes clean and explains to the membership the stands he has taken on RKBA in the past. "He's doing good now, why don't you leave it alone?" just doesn't get it. That's why I am not only NRA Life, I'm GOA Life too. Soon I will apply for JPFO Life status. What part of "no compromise" is it that some us don't understand?

Want to send a message? Next time, vote for the Neal Knox Thirteen and don't vote for any other candidates. See NRA Board Election News and subscribe to The Hard Corp Report at the bottom of the page. You'll get many of the posts you read here in the Legal & Political and General Discussion Forums before they are posted.

It's interesting to read the GOA email alerts (Yes, you can subscribe to it online too!) and the FCO email alerts after reading the NRA alerts, to get a different slant. That's like going to NewsMax.com or LewRockwell.com or Drudge.com to get the straight poop after watching the evening news.

Sorry for the rant, but I just get a gut rumble of truth from Neal Knox's assertions concerning the BOD shenanigans that I can't shake off. If he's right, the NRA will take a BIG, BIG PR hit one day. Then GOA will start looking like the honest spokesman I believe they are.

Some of you might want to start considering the issue of RKBA and the survival of the Second as a long term (read: lifetime of you and your descendents) proposition and not an election issue that needs a different approach each general election based on where the polls say we Americans stand on it (the NRA approach, IMHO).

[This message has been edited by sensop (edited May 04, 2000).]
Great; They purge the Board of disidents, and now Heston becomes President for life. That's how *I* react to this. Don't get me wrong, Heston is a pretty good President as long as he's fed the right scripts, and doesn't have to debate.

But he's an old guy, and somebody will follow him. And maybe that somebody will ruthlessly manipulate the NRA's finances to win one election after another. Sign sweatheart deals with mass mail contractors in return for campaign contributions, maybe. If we still had term limits then, we'd eventually be rid of the guy.

Term limits is a safey measure. Safeties get in your way sometimes, sometimes they're not convenient. But it's not, well, SAFE to remove them!

Sic semper tyrannis!
I didn't expect a great deal from Heston as president, but he's done much better than I expected, and his attacks on Clinton were great. I doubt if we weould have been able to find anyone who could have done them better. Like sensop, I would like it better if he had addressed the issue of why he wasn't always as committed to RKBA as he appears to be now. But he's done a good job for the NRA and I'm willing to admit I underestimated him.

Of course, sensop is also right about our need to belong to other RKBA organizations as well. No need to put all our eggs in one basket.
Which president is responsible for the increase in NRA membership (and GOA too)? President Heston or President Clinton?

Which president is responsible for increased sales of choice firearms?

Same answer for both questions. It ain't Chuck.
