AOL shuts down FFL holder web site!!!


I hate long posts, but this one is important to everyone here. If this has already been posted elsewhere, please remove it. It is factual though, as I have original article on file.

The Shotgun News Volume 53 Issue 27 Page 19

AOL Calls Guns Pornography
By Bill Clede

Jim Supica, a SHOTGUN NEWS columnist familar to readers of this publication, operates Old Town Station Ltd., a dealer in antique and collectable firearms. He holds a Federal Firearms License for this purpose. In short, he runs a clean, aboveboard and legal business.

That is, he thought he did until America Online (AOL) summarily removed his web site from their system and sent email to his account address,which is shared by his wife and children.

AOL wrote, "We have become aware of a web page site that is part of your account. This web page violates Hometown AOL's Community Standards, which prohibits sexually explicit graphics, links to other sites which Hometown deems offensive, harassment, the use of vulgar or sexually oriented language, discussion of illegal activities and/or other activities, that may impair the enjoyment of our community's members.

"We have placed a note of this incident on your account history and consider this a first warning. We have removed all the file(s) from your web page/ftp site. A second occurrence will result in terminaton of your account with no chance of reacitvation.

Huh? I looked at Jim's web site, now housed at, and the only thing obscene thing I saw were the four-figure prices these guns carry. I am not a lawyer and this is not legal advice, but calling an innocent person a pornographer sounds a lot like libel to me.

He's right there. Services such as America Online, Microsoft Network, Prodigy and CompuServe are not common carriers, nor publications in and of themselves, although they provide the means by which others publish web sites and periodicals.

At about the same time as Jim's site was scrubbed by AOL, he got a message in CompuServe's :Firearms Forum that Compuserve had decreed the sale of firearms, even the legal sale of firearms, would no longer be allowed on the system. GoOutdoorsGroup -Administrator Tony Mandile said, "The move was basically CYA.

Obviously a headline read "Student Kills 10 With Online Purchase" wasn't something their legal department would like to see. When I asked CompuServe what they had actually said, they refused to comment. They referred me back to the Forum Administrator.

You should know that CompuServe is owned by AOL, but is operated seperately. Yeah, right! Since these services are private business they have the right to conduct their business as they see fit. I think Tony Mandile is entirely right.

The radio show I used to work for has a Sunday "Tag Sale" program for years. They prohibit automobiles and devote one whole show every couple of months to nothing but automobiles. They prohibit firearms and do not dedicate a special show to guns. Preston Spaulding of Knoxville, Tenn., tells me his local newspaper refused his classified ad when he tried to sell his gun. Gary Connor held a garage sale and the Seattle Times refused his ad that mentioned a handgun.

The two daily newspapers in Madison, Wis., will no longer accept classified ads for guns from anyone other than a licensed dealer. I wrote a newspaper column several years ago reporting how the National Rifle Association was refused in many of the print media when they tried to buy space for their ads.

We all know there are people with rabidly anti-gun ideas. That is their right. But it is not their right to force their beliefs onto others or to interfere with the transaction of legal business. The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) and State of New York are reported to be suing the firearms industry for not controlling the distribution of their products. But to do so is called "restraint of trade" and is illegal.

As for Supica, "I mainly want to get on with my business with the least possible hassle. AOL's decision to dump gun dealer sites did not bother me as much as the manner in which they did it."

You know from this column that there are literally thousand of web sites dealing in guns on the World Wide Web. I didn't think this blatant censorship exists on Intemet.

John R. Clarke of Thomasville, Ga., is in the business of developing and maintaining websites. His is at As the developer of The Ballistic Program in 1986, guns are his specialty. He said, "I am not aware of any Web Presence Provider dumping a firearms web site because of it's firearms content. However, in this day and time anything is possible."

But it has happened. Rob Robles of Morgan Hill, Calif. Touts his web site as the place for serious gun collectors at His site is on a new server. He sends notices to some 3,800 people who have asked to be included on his mailing list, just as I do.

"Suddenly my domain was turned off by my Internet Service Provider," he said. "They recieved a complaint that I sending out Spam. This company figured I was advocating the use of illegal weapons, and simply will not listen to anything I have to say. They have not looked at the letter I sent out and have not looked at my site to see what I am selling."

"My mailing was perfectly legal, it had a statement telling people that they could respond and be removed. I was in shock. What kind of idiot would completely shutdown a legitimate business because of a complaint? They would not even let me talk to them and explain my side, I was completely shocked."

It's only conjecture what the company's response might have been to Robles selling religious icons.

The left panel of Robles' auction area categorizes guns so you can focus your window-shopping. To the right are featured items. Click on one and it takes you to a form where you can see more about the particular item and enter a bid, if you want. There is a search utility. Man experts will respond to questions within their expertise.

There's one way you can be sure your web page won't ever be turned off. SHOTGUN NEWS will host your page as part of For more information, see
AOL & UPS - two of my LEAST FAVORITE Companies.

UPS - for breaking things or just losing them. And AOL - for crapy service poor connections disconnects blah blah blah blah and for billing my credit card for 4 months after I cancelled.

I mean, if I went around saying I was an Emperor because some moistened bint had lobbed a scimitar at me, people would put me away!
AOL can lip on it. Let's spread the word about their conduct toward gun enthusiasts across the internet, www, and the bbs'. These chumps have been in the coaster business for years, and it's time we gained some bandwidth by losing AOL.

Start spreading the news, AOL's leaving today...

"...the probability of the people in power being individuals who would dislike the possession and exercise of power is on a level with the probability that an extremely tender-hearted person would get the job of whipping-master in a slave plantation."
Prof. Frank H. Knight