Anything you say...


New member
Hello, I am new to the forum and I apologize in advance if I am asking a question that has already been beaten to death. If this topic has already been discussed I would appreciate it if someone would link me to the appropriate thread.

I am worried about posting because I am afraid that if I ever have to defend myself with a firearm that my posts might be used in court against me. I don't plan on posting anything inflammatory, but I am concerned that my words might someday be twisted to my disadvantage. I am worried that if I end up posting say, 1,000 times, that I might be portrayed as a "gun nut" by an overzealous prosecutor.

Once again, I am a peace-loving individual and hope to never have to use a weapon against anyone. If I ever have to defend myself or my family, however, I am worried that anything I say here might be used against me.

It would not be how many times you posted but what you posted. There are a few posters on various forums that I see could really give ammunition to a prosecuter if ever in a case that related to it. Then there are those who would come across as a gun owner trying to protect themselves and their families from their posts. If you are trying to defend yourself and have used reasonable caution you really should never have to worry about it. Just make sure it is self-defense.
I find it rather sad that almost everything that we do in this country these days is tempered by the fear of possible litigation or law suits. The legal system in this country has become entirely too tort oriented in my mind.
Unless you tell someone you post here it's unlikely the courts would ever find out in the first place. Don't reveal your real name and it's doubtful you'll have anything to worry about.
Please allow me to approach this from a slightly different angle.

Would you walk into your local grocery store with a huge sign saying:

"I had a negligent discharge in my home the other night"
"I once had to draw my carry gun in self-defense"
"I own 50 rifles"

I, personally, would not. Yet I consistently see folks doing the same thing on internet forums, only they are announcing it to THE ENTIRE WORLD via the web. That, of course, is their business.

To me, exercising caution regarding what you post is a sign of intelligence, not paranoia.

I also do not believe that it would be hard for the powers-that-be to discover what I write online. How many times have you heard of a computer being seized and the data used as evidence?

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I think you are absolutely right. That is why i never misrepresent myself, anywhere on the internet.
TBS, The (smiles) are the best way to differentiate between sarcasm and Opinion/beliefs.

"I had a negligent discharge in my home the other night"
That was a very humble thing for the poster to do. "That happens" That took a very good man to use his example to remind the rest of us how easy it can happen.
Firearms Safety "IS" learning from others mistakes.
Personally, I dont give a hoot. I post what I think and that's that. If what I post here makes me a whack job, then I am sure there is plenty of other stuff that is easier to dig up on me which proves that to the jury.

So, quit worrying and post away!
I have almost completly ceased posting on Tactics and Training for just that reason. It is a valid concern. Your PC will almost surly be examined and as we all know they will hold anything against you in a court of law.
Well, consider this. No one, and I mean no one, has shot his mouth off more in his lifetime than I have. And I don't mean about minor aspects of life. Even if you consider the two trials that befell me.

One furious idiot repeated some of the jokes I told in an effort to "draw a picture of my character" for the proceding. I got some laughs, he came off as a petty little tattletale.

It's not the singular example here of your life for which courts ultimately judge you. You get to lead your life. I wasn't going to park my bike and quit chasing girls in the slim chance I might beat the stuffings out a Mormon minister sometime in the distant future.

You are innocent until proven guilty.

The prosecution still has to prove facts in a trial de novo if bad mouthing isn't germaine to their assertions.

Besides, do you really want to hide in your bedroom for the rest of your life?

Wisconsin roads are so icy that most of the streets in my subdivision are like polished glass. I spun around last week and some part of the my truck hooked a neighbor's mailbox and destroyed it. (The F-150 was unharmed, don't worry.)

As I pulled into the guy's driveway to admit responsibility, he feverishly copied down my license plate number. However, I had already called the police to see if a report needed to be done when one vehicle hits property that was not a motor vehicle.

Squad-rod pulls up, and a female cop gets out. "Hi, Chico, looks like a mailbox assaulted your truck."

Yesterday I get a very formal letter and a detail list of damages. Get this, it came to 65.01 in tabulated charges. I must have really ticked the guy off to have to pay that .01 for some reason.

My wife cut the check. A boring ending.

My point is that ths guy was so engrained in possible legal procedings and the imaged trial that he went nuts feeling that he was going to get screwed by a small claims trial that might never happen. My actions probably kept him up for two nights. While I stood there in road clothes he probably felt that the Angels themselves were going to avenge my honor.

He could have handed me the mailbox and said, "Chico, could you help me fix this?"

In the end, your fears are much worse than any proceding I could describe. And if Big Brother ever decides to descend upon you with fictitious evidence and a SWAT team, your volunteering at a local church choir will mean nothing anyway. Relax.
"I own 50 rifles"

Yeah, but I lied. It's really 100.

But it's okay, even if the bad guys bring poison meat for the dogs in the yard, they'll probably forget to bring food for the big snakes in the house. Well, prepared food anyway. :)

And whatever they do they better not trip the 3 sensor arrays.

"do you really want to hide in your bedroom for the rest of your life?"

Depends. ;)

Well first thing, if you find threads about people using lethal force to stop a would-be attacker, don't say things like, "That &%@ had it coming; I woulda capped that sonofa_____ myself with my ^@&* gold-plated .45 and then go to his crib and raid his fridge for pork rinds and then steal his woman."

The correct, sane, and appropriate response would be, "I'm glad that person survived that attack unharmed," and maybe, "Another example of why RKTBA is so important for law-abiding citizens."

Essentially, if you're a sane gunowner, then you wouldn't be saying insane gun-related things. You are a sane gunowner... are you?
I have no wish to hijack a thread if that is the right term even, but I have a question? Is using lethal force on a lawyer self defense os is it even ileagal?:D
