Anyone with a shotty like this??



I'd like to see some real ones if you do, I'm thinking of buying an 870 to convert to one.

"Anyone with a shotty like this?? "

God no! :eek: Is that for the ambient light fear factor? :D
Nope, don't got one. There was one like with a ATI top folding stock at the gunshop awhile ago. I don't have any firearms geared for self-defense, just plinking ;)
I think it would be cool to have if you needed it for work or just to show off at the range. If you actually had to defend your home with it lawyers would love it that you used a "tactical assault shotgun" that you built with the "exact intention" of "shredding human flesh." :barf: I still think it's a sweet set up though. :D

Why not? I think we all underestimate BGs, we always assume that they won't be intelligent enough to bring a few buddies, or to arm themselves, so we say "I'll get a shotgun". I don't really like Mossbergs except they offer shottys with high capacity, the Winchester defender is not my ideal shotgun, so that leaves me with the Remington 870. I can buy the 4 shot, save a few bucks and buy the tube extension and bring me to 7rnds, and with 6 extra ones on the side saddle, I'm set to go for a while. We also assume that a home invasion will never happen say... during a hurricane (for those of you who don't live or ever lived in a hurricane area, you may not understand)... so we need for a light.

Basically, I want a shotgun that is designed to kill fast, efficiently, and give me light when it isn't accessible.

I could care less about lawyers. And as for the ones having a field day with my "assault shotgun" that I build specifically for ripping flesh... is that illegal? Did I plan for a home invasion? I've done nothing more than properly prepare myself for the worst possible situation, and if I'm in court, I'm successful and the BG isn't there to say otherwise.

Its like when I went and purchased a 3lb trigger for my Glock, the salesman says "Well, if you shoot someone and you go to court you will be in trouble". I won't be in any more or less trouble with a 3lb pull than a 5lb... you know why? Because that 5 or 3lb wont change the fact of the matter if I killed someone. I don't care about being scared of lawyers, I've had my fair share of experience with them, and the best way to defeat them, is have a good lawyer, and be able to defend yourself with the right words, and play devils advocate.
That's great if you're auditioning for Miami Vice II, but in the real world the kindest thing I can say is it's better than nothing.

PG only shotguns are just big, hard kicking handguns of poor accuracy and ergonomics. They will get the wrong people killed.

OTOH, put a real stock on that thing,BA/UU/R until it feels like a body part and SHazzam!! You're deadly instead of just looking deadly.
Shop down near me had a shotgun for said that looked just like that as I remember. Might not of had the front pistol grip, but otherwise it was the same.
the main reason why i went with a pistol grip was the first time i shot the beast it pounded my shoulder so hard it was black and blue for a month. i said no more and immediatly bought the grips. makes for a great hallway cleaner in my opinion.
Thanks, Dave!

That's great if you're auditioning for Miami Vice II, but in the real world the kindest thing I can say is it's better than nothing.
I was probably a bit too subtle. Let's see if the clue-bird hits him yet... ;)

Speaking of clue-birds:

the main reason why i went with a pistol grip was the first time i shot the beast it pounded my shoulder so hard it was black and blue for a month. i said no more and immediatly bought the grips. makes for a great hallway cleaner in my opinion.
Yeah, ok. Sure.
Seems that ignorance is in full swing here.

Get the full stock and forget about the MAll Ninja toys.

Listen closely to DaveMc and you might actually learn a thing or two.
The only way a 12 Gauge will bruse you're shoulder is if you are shooting 3" or 3.5" shells and don't have the gun shoulded properly.(Been there, done that :p ) Either that or you have a glass shoulder.

I have agree with the near uselessness of a PG stock, why not at least get a folder???