Anyone watching "When the Levees Broke" on HBO

Mad Martigan

New member
Is anyone watching the "When the Levees Broke" series on HBO? It's actually not too bad. At elast it's less of a shooting gallery than I expected it to be.
Gov't screwed the pooch on this one.
They disarmed alot of folks illegally.
There is your legal, political, and fire arms connection.

Great documentary. Showed everyone's side I think.
Why is it when I see Hurricane Katrina mentioned that we always see something about New Orleans? I believe Mississippi and Other parts of Louisiana got damaged also.
Why is it when I see Hurricane Katrina mentioned that we always see something about New Orleans? I believe Mississippi and Other parts of Louisiana got damaged also.

Probably because it was a large, concentrated population center...a lot more people were affected directly by the devestation in New Orleans than most of the rest of the areas hit.

Also, I imagine that level of destruction in a dense urban center is going to have a much greater economic and political impact than in less urbanized areas...both in the short term and the long run.

But yes, while I understand reasons that it might be happening it is a bit annoying to see all the other affected areas being marginalized in the media.
not no but HELL NO! i am sick and tired of hearing about it. the responsible people have gotten on with their lives, the rest of them are STILL looking for handouts.

free rent at taxpayers expense is about to run out and now some are trying to sue. heres a plan for you, get off your lazy ass and get a job!

the ones who are complaining now are the same ones who were living off of the taxpayers backs before this ever happened, the elderly and infirm need to be taken care of, but the able bodied ones, and there are many, need to be cut off completely. maybe then they will make a lifestyle change and get jobs like the rest of us.

isnt a year of free rent enough??
9mm, quit being racist. ;)

At least, that's the response I see whenever anyone tells the "evacuees" that they should have to work.
Eghad, yes Miss. and other parts of La. got hit also. My heart goes out to them all. However the majority of the land grabbing, corruption and martial law activity that we're hearing about was in NO. I urge you to check out the website and video mentioned above.

"Why is it when I see Hurricane Katrina mentioned that we always see something about New Orleans? I believe Mississippi and Other parts of Louisiana got damaged also."

because the rest of LOUSYana and Mississippi has taken the bull by the horns and moved forward towards recovery. the people we keep hearing about are the moochers who want everything handed to them on a silver platter.

and heres something i would like to know. how many of those people who before the hurricane hit were living in poverty and didnt have a pot to pee in, have since become pregnant, thus making their situations that much worse?

we are supposed to feel sorry for them? i dont.
It seems that us Houstonians are a little touchy about the subject. For every good honest person that Katrina sent our way, about 20 thugs and losers came with. I've got a friend/neighbor down the street that lost just about everything. Having been actually employed before Katrina, he was familiar with the steps necessary to get a job, and he had the will to do so. He now makes more money than before, and sends his kids to schools that do a decent job of educating. He's actually GLAD that it made him find the opportunities that are out there. He feels the same way I do about a lot of the rest of 'em.
hey 9mm i know you not talking about all of us, but take it easy would you. this place may be lousy but its still my home. and my fiancee had to spend 7 months stuck in houston for her job, talk about lousy. the people were horrible, the traffic was horrible, and no telling what else i missed.

as far as the spike lee thing, i think he did a pretty good job, didnt attack anyone too much, which is what i expected. other than that cant fault the people for believing what they believe, eg. blown levees...

after this i dont want to hear anything about katrina anymore. weve had enough time to let it die, move on lets find something else to bitch about
i will apologize for the LOUSYana crack though i wasnt really talking about the people, more the history of corrupt politicians and cops and just the land itself, its not exactly scenic, but then Texas isnt exactly Hawaii either.

ive spent ALOT of money in LA. thru the years, would like to go back to N.O. but just cant see going as long as the "chocolate city" man is in charge. he let those people in nawlins down just as much as the feds did.

that scene at the superdome was sad and it shouldnt have been that way, but a year later i dont think people have a reason to complain when the free rent shuts down.
...cant fault the people for believing what they believe, eg. blown levees...

Huh? I might be misunderstanding you, but are you saying you find no fault in someone who believes the government purposely blew up the levees to create a flood and ruin the lives of thousands of people?

9mm i wish i had the options you had, but as of right now im stuck living and working in new orleans as much as id love to go back home to the lafayette area. maybe one day you can make it back, some of this state is truely beautiful depending on your taste, but hey you welcome here anytime. and i agree about the free ride, but we both know theyve leached off the government their whole lives, they not used to being told no...

trip maybe you understood what i said right, but i guess upon reading your take, thats not what i meant. of course i find fault in it, nobody in their right mind would believe something like that. potentially kill thousands to save a few old buildings basically. but they saw what they saw, they heard what they heard, and NO amount of logic is gonna change that. my statement was just misworded, and meant to say that i wont bother argueing with them about that opinion. of course we all know it was rushing water, or a barge that made that noise, but they not gonna listen.
redster, believe me, i feel for everyone who was a victim of katrina. the gulf is little over a mile from my house, for awhile the weather idiots were swearing that hurricane rita was headed my way. i was scared to death that i might come back (after a 22 hour ride that normally takes 2.5 hours) to a pile of rubble.

we got lucky here that time. maybe not so lucky next tiime.

all i'm saying is that i think a year of free rent is sufficient for people to get on with their lives.