Anyone use OC fogger/grenade?


I was wondering if anyone had tried OC foggers/grenades. What do you think about using such for home defense? The thought is if someone breaks in pop a fogger, toss it down the hall, shut the bedroom door, put on the gas mask, and wait for the cavalry. Seems pretty effective to me. What do you think? They can be found at Another important question, Would this be legal for this use in California? Thanks.
Well, I can't put gasmasks on my cats. And with my beard and mustache, a gasmask would be of limited effectiveness on me as well. YMMV.

I think the OC foggers can add a great deal of depth to a home defense plan. Keep one near the saferoom and one near an outer door.

For a home invasion, go to safe room, leaving unpleasant chemical behind as a present for the home invaders. If uninvited guests, as mentioned in the Futile Noble Gesture, are there when you get home, use the one near the door as a present for them, they will come out.