anyone use knight bloodlines on whitetails?


New member
Saw a box of these while scanning the ML isle at the LGS. Ill be using my new inline this year for whitetails. Im bullet shopping since I've never muzzle loader hunted with anything.but patched round balls out of a sidelock. They were 300gr HPs. Anyone use these? How do they preform? Accuracy? Are they overkill for a 150lb deer @ 50-100 yards?
The best ML bullets I've ever used are Hornady SSTs. I happen to like the 250gr bullets but they also make one heavier. 300gr bullets will certainly do the job but they drop off way too fast for my tastes - I want something flatter shooting.
Okay a quick look through my muzzleloader box produced a label from a box of Hornady FPBs. I had shot through a sidelock I sold to another TFL member a while back. Thats what I was thinking of as a solid, sabot less copper jacketed bullet. I see now that the SSTs do in fact use a plastic sabot.

Back the BloodLines, I was just curious if they were all hype. It may well be that these are intended for bigger game than our puny Hoosier deer:p Hoping someone here has used them and can give me some insight as to them being mind blowing, or a total joke meant to catch people with stylish packaging.

They have some big claims attached to them, along with a heavy price tag. Not that the price is a big deal if they deliver what they claim. Since I never really got much past lead minis and PRBs, I had never noticed these. They kinda peaked my interest, and I'm always up for trying something different. This inline deal is deep water for me, I'm interested to see to what their game taking range/accuracy limits are :)

I've enjoyed muzzle loading so much, I often continue to deer hunt with my Black powder rifles even when it's not required and cartridge weapons may be used.
Hornady XTP's will do everything you want a bullet to do to a deer

I wouldn't pay a lot of extra money for some "specialty" bullet when there are cheaper products that work as well
For 50-100 yards?

I'd use Powerbelts that you can buy off the rack at Walmart. Take your pick and sight in to which weight and style you prefer. Aside from being less expensive, they load a lot easier than saboted bullets. They area full .50 caliber, and skirted, not saboted.

If you were doing long distance shots beyond 100 yds with a scope I'd put more effort into accurracy testing, but at 100 yards or less, anything you shot will be grouping plenty tight.
Now the SST are those the one with a polymer tip and no plastic sabot?

SST's use a sabot. You have to use a sabot because the bullet itself is .45 and your bore is .50. I like the ones packaged with a "low drag" sabot. They load really easily. They have about the best BC of any commonly available ML bullet (not saying a whole lot since ML bullets have the BC of a brick - but every little bit helps).

Timsr is right about Powerbelts. If you are only short range shooting then they are convenient. I've never seen them give great groups though and they have a much lower BC than the Hornady bullets.

Oh, and one more thing. Don't be tempted to pay more money for T/C Shockwave bullets. Those are Hornady SSTs with a yellow tip. Hornady makes them for T/C and charges more just for a color change.
This isn't a scientific test by no means but I have a relative ah once tried a bullet vs ball test. He shot a dryer in his yard from the porch. It was only 20 yards or so. The bullet put a small entrance and the exit was massive. The ball put a massive entrance hole.
Bullets for B/P use are no different than modern. Some weights shoot good others don't. For a 50 cal perhaps a look see at this sites read (link) will perhaps offer something you didn't know before hand.

This is where I buy my sabot combo's for my G/M LRH barrel. These fellows/ owners know their stuff. They actually hunt with their products and know first hand what their products are capable of. I've always been please with their products accuracy on paper. By the way shame on you!! Thinking of switching from PB to sabot in your side lock when your out and about chasing deer. "What ever is this world coming too." :)

BTW: modern season starts here too next weekend. Besides my 270 I plan on taking my 45 Hawken along with that G/M quicky twist mounted. The plan is: Get the first one for myself w/270. Use the 45 for the gett'en of the Sons.

I won't wish you luck with your hunt. But I will wish that you get a good shot on one instead.
I've seen those PR bullets before. The bulk of the bullet looks like a Hornady SST but the base is much different. Pricey little buggers.
just to add my 2 cents, when I bought my Knight inline I also bought a 10 shot card of bullet sabot combos. Shot those to sight in then wanted more, couldnt find em anywhere, ended up at the local gun store and on of the guys I asked knew exactly what I was looking for. He went to the reloading dept and got me a box of 100, 44 cal 240 gr hollowpoint speer pistol bullets, reached behind him on the rack and handed me a bag of 100 green sabots made or sold with the knight name on em. Alot cheaper way to go and easy to find and I have killed deer out to 125 yds and have never had to shoot a deer more than once, I would say that I have killed no less than 20 deer with that load. Drop in 2, 50gr pellets, sabot and bullet and your ready to rock.
Mr McGee

Oh no no no no sir! I would never taint my beloved sidelocks with those plastic skirted contraptions :D Pure lead .490s and .015 pillow ticking smeared with some good 'ol "trappers" over Holy Black in those ;) I'd be shamed on my self, by myself if I did other wise:p

Only using the saboted bullets in the New CVA inline I received as a gift.

Thank you for stating that sir. I did notice the two looked nearly identical. I'm so green with the "modern" bullets I haven't even bought any yet:o the TC shockwaves I have were some old ones my Dad had left over. I will take a look at the hornadys

I do have quite a few 45 caliber XTPs from loading up .45 colts. So I can just pick up a bag of plastic sabots and use those also?
I do have quite a few 45 caliber XTPs from loading up .45 colts. So I can just pick up a bag of plastic sabots and use those also?

Yes, you can. Although, you might not get the kind of accuracy you want right away. The reason is that ML barrels from the various manufacturers can vary quite a bit in actual diameter. A particular bullet/sabot combo might load very easily in a T/C barrel and be very hard to squeeze down in another manufacturer's barrel - or vice versa. Sometimes you get lucky and find a great combination right from the start. Other times it takes a while.

I just lucked into the Hornady SST 250gr with the low-drag sabot. It was the first one I tried and wound up being the best ( 3 shot groups at pretty close to 1MOA).

If you can get hold of several flavors of sabots, play around with them without actually shooting. Ideally, it should fit down the barrel snugly but not require great feats of strength to push it all the way down. If a particular sabot/bullet combo goes down too easy or too hard, chalk that one up as no-go.
I do have access to various brands and sizes. Im luckey to live 30 minuets from a shop that is LOADED (yes, bad pun:p) with muzzle loading stuff and reloading supplies. Including about 8 different types of sabots.
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