Anyone use Hornady Sonic cleaner for brass???


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Anyone use the hornady sonic cleaner for brass??

I have been using just a Lyman tumbler with walnut two different times during my reloading process.

I am thinking of using the sonic cleaner first after de-priming to clean primer pockets and save sizing die from excess grit and grime. Then later tumbling in walnut media to remove sizing lube and a final clean up on the brass. Right now I tumble my brass for a total of about 6 to 8 hours. I am hoping to cut that to 30 min then maybe two hours final tumbling.

Anyone process their brass this way???
I've got a sonic cleaner but have only experimented a few times with it cleaning brass. I wasn't really too happy with the results.
I recently started using a rock tumbler with stainless steel pins and although additional steps are required to separate the media from the brass, I like the results. However, tumble time in the wet tumbler has been 1-2 hours so the ultrasonic may well be faster.

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I tumble with walnut media and then use my sonic cleaner. I started using the sonic cleaner because of the residual walnut dust gumming up my sizer die. Waiting on the wet brass to dry is what sucks. I place it in front of a fan for a day or two.
It works best if you decap first so the water drains out easier , just depends on time.
I always de-prime then clean in a heated ultrasonic cleaner. Start with hot tap water........!!!

I use quality dish soap with two have lemons squeezed in the hot water and the rind thrown in with my cases. Cleans like a son of a bitch. I then rinse them 3 times and roll them into a towel and move them around to get most of the water out. My next step is to throw the cases in a cardboard box and hit them with a hair dryer while I roll them around by hand. They're dry in 5 minutes and ready for the press after they cool down.