anyone try hunting crows?


New member
hey guys. i was wondering if any of you had ever gotten into crow hunting. i bought a call today and think i'll attempt it tomorrow while i'm out and about. the snow is melting very rapidly here in northern maine and the rabbit hunting is pretty rough right now and i need something to do. decoys? i have never tried it but it sounds like a fun way to burn up a day
Just a note about calling crows. Know your crow vocalizations. Different numbers of caws, spaced at various intervals mean everything from "come here" to "Danger Fly Away!"

Do it wrong and your attempts to call them in can scare them off.

I will shoot one if I can get it in the sights of my .17 HMR, never gone out calling them and tried to take one with a shotgun though. Probably a lot of fun.
True story.... My grandfather and brother went crow hunting, many many years back. They used a recording of crows, for there calls. It worked great. This is where it gets unusual. When they killed at least two crows, they took twine and tied their feet together and tossed it into a tree. that worked even better. By the time they were done, the tree was filled with these dead crows. Someone called the local news station and they came out and took photos. Claiming that there were a group of satanic worshipers killing crows for a sacrificial offering. lol.
Funny how that works. They're illegal to shoot here. Both ravens and crows. Oh how I've had dreams and daydreams of blasting the little punks.
Of what fun it is.

Late in the season, I love shooting crows. As mentioned, go on the internet and you will find recordings of their different calls. As I recall, there were five and I learned them all but mostly use two. I have also used decoys to bring them in. I hunt them alone but if a group of you can string out along a hill side, call them in and have a ball. ... ;)

What I do;
In full camo, I find a good place to hide on a hillside. Make sure to have some overhead cover, if possible. All in an effort to be well hid.
I give the come here call or I found food. repeat two or three times and wait.
Pretty soon, the "scout" should come in and he will not make a sound, just looks around. Make sure you spot him. Be patient and slowly take your first shot. If he flies off before you had a chance to shoot, let him and again, wait. Repeat the first call and try again.
Okay, I've shot the scout and he's down. Wait a little and give the distress call. Stand by cause here "they" come. Just keep shooting and when they fly off, repeat the distress call and start shooting again. Once you get them in this cycle, they just keep coming back and take a long time for them to leave. All the time you are doing this, try to stay hid and don't over-call. .... :cool:

By the way, when hunting alone, I only use a .22lr rifle of MK-Ii pistol. With the group, use shotguns. .. :)

Be Safe !!!
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We would hunt crows as a kid. One thing to remember is once a crow is shot at a crow will recongize a man holding a gun. No BS.

When the fish aren't biting, I go to the FIL place and setup with my FoxPro Fury. They go nuts and I usually blow through a couple boxes of shells.
Hunt next to an opening and with an electronic crow caller and shotgun. Hunt with shotgun with 71/2 shot. You don't want to kill them, just knock them out of the sky. Once you get one on the ground hollowing for his friends you can shoot 5-10 before they leave. They don't like leaving wounded friends behind. You just have to go to different places a couple miles apart. Don't over hunt a single area. They are very smart and catch on quickly. Good hunting.
I never hunted for them, not sure if it was just a rumor but i heard a couple fly tying companies were giving away tackle for crow tails. Might be worth checking out if you enjoy fishing.