anyone tell me much bout this .303


New member
it is hard to tell if it says CR or GR then says enfield 1914? SwtLE III.... on stock has a symbol that is in cirlcle with a arrow on east side- A west side of circle-1 and bottom of it a 9.... has #478 on top
also has what looks to be a britssh coin in stock says ELIZABETH II DEI GRATIA REGINA

cant find much info on it, also whats it even worth? maybe something to keep aside that might be collectors?





that is a brittish SMLE no 1 mk III, the main rifle of the UK for WWI and of several other brit friendly nations even through WWII . it is widely considered one of the finest bolt action rifles ever made, and is beloved by many collectors and shooters for its durability and general character and is also well known for the ease of operation and speed of the bolt- in WWI the germans once thought that the brits had a machine guns due to the rate of fire that the SMLE could keep up- the mag is detachable, but NOT designed to be detached except for cleaning, as this can damage a few of the parts if done a whole lot, and also, do not slam it in to seat it as this is also potentially damaging.... it is meant to be loaded singly, or with stripper clips 5 at a time.... as to collectors value, it has some, but there are a lot of em out there, so I have not seen one go over 400 dollars here in the midwest- there are of course some more collectible than others, so it bears looking into... and even if its not all that rare, they are wonderful shooters, with readily available ammo... The coin BTW has been put in to replace the brass unit assignment dist that they remove when they surpluss them.....a quirk from an earlier owner maybe?
cool thanks for the info :) yea i have seen alot around but wasnt sure bout the coin, like you said maybe a previous owner had a thing for changing them :)
GR is an an abbreviation for King George in Latin. The coin is something that someone put in on a whim. Adds no value except conversation piece. You have a well worn looking WW1 SMLE rifle and perhaps if the bore is nice it can be a shooter. Some collector value but it ain't gonna make your new car payment.