Anyone Shoot w/ Goggles?


New member
Other than putting them over prescription glasses, is there any use for a pair of goggles? I am paranoid about things flying in from the sides.

I'll still go the contact lens & wraparound eye pro route, but a pair of faux carbon fiber goggles would round out my collection nicely ;)
I have a shooting buddy that managed to get a .45ACP case lodged behind his shooting glasses and suffered a nice burn just below his eye. For about a month after that he used the Bolle tactical goggles. Eventually he realized that they were too hot and too damn uncomfortable to bother wearing all the time.
Goggles do have their place, generally it is in environments that have a high likelyhood of blinding you with dust, grit or other nasty arborne particals. Environments like chiping paint, sand blasting, running a jackhamer, or plaster and lath removal are notoriously bad.
I seem to get a lot of crap on my eyes when shooting prone in the dirt with my M1A Scout. The CA-legal muzzlebrake kicks up a heck of a lot of dust....
As above, goggles do have their place. An enclosed goggle will keep out the dust, but they do get hot, sweaty, and steamy. The more breathable, vented ones can be worn for longer periods and may be what you are looking for. They wouldn't do in a dust storm, but should work for your application. Some of the better "tactical" goggles work well, but AOsafety puts out some good quality industrial units for a good price.
Only with Sims.

I always wear a hat to guard against the dreaded "Dance of the Hot Scorpion" inside the shooting glasses.:eek:
Go to an optometrist and have them make you a set of prescription 'goggles'. What I have in mind is like what basketball players wear. None of them seem to need a time-out to let their goggles vent out. The goggles I saw run (or did) about $120 a pair. Not cheap, but they can be used for athletic competition, too, instead of exposing your everyday glasses to bending and breakage.
"Dance of the hot scorpion" I almost shot soda out my nose when I read that. The ball cap, or any hat with a forward brim, is a must on the range.
tommy, a phrase I stole at TR. I lifted it from Bill Black of the Littleton (Red) PD who was rangemaster at one of the pistol classes I took last year there.

Bill also gave TFL the phrase "cholesterol vest."
Skunk, some individuals who prefer carbs and red meat to sushi have a layer of bullet protection around their torso. This lard will kill them in the long run (pun intended), in the short run it could save them.

Bullets are like medicine, they doesn't always work the same on different people.