Anyone see the article about the suicide deer?


New member
Today's NY Post:

The buck stops here.
Pedestrians watched in
horror as five deer made
their way to the top of
a five-story parking garage
in Ranson, W.Va,
then committed mass suicide
by leaping to their deaths.
"They took the plunge.
It was absolutely weird,"
said Police Cpl. Steve
Cox. He said the carcasses
were given to passers-by
for butchering.

WILD! Does that happen a lot? Heard of it with lemmings, but never deer...anyone know, or see this incident?
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Reindeer auditions. That Santa is one twisted individual.

We shouldn't be so quick to cry 'twisted'. He may have just been stupid, and thought that whitetails had the same level of ability as reindeer.:D :D :D
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aw, MAN!!!!

Why can't something like that happen to me? Just imagine....

...out hunting, and deer fall from the sky right in front of you.

Sometimes life is just not fair :(

lol. I have never heard of this happening and find it hilarious. Around here they sometimes get into houses and sheds and go ballistic, but I've never heard of them making thier way to the top of a parking garage.

I would guess they saw trees silhouetted against the sky across from them and assumed they were jumping over an ordinary concrete barrier at street level. They would not know as they went up the garage levels that they were ascending into the sky. Deer are tactile and if their feet are on the ground, then they are on the ground.:eek:

Another article I read said they gave the carcasses to people around there so the meat was used anyway.:rolleyes:
lol thats funny never heard of an animal commiting suicide besides the mice in the arctic when they run out of food they jump into the water. Why would an animal want to do that? Maby they were getting picked on or are just dumb.
A bit back, maybe 2 months, a deer busted into the room of a girl and the dad goes in and comes out five minutes later and tells the girl to call the police then goes back in the room. About 15 minutes later when the cops show up the deer is dead because the dude broke its neck with his bare hands. He now officially rivals that firefighter on survivor that killed the shark with a machette. I've always thought boar hunting with two 12 inch knives would be... 'sporting.'
Saw something like that a couple years after I first got married... wife and I were driving home late one night and stopped for a five or six mule deer does and fawns to cross thehighway. All did except the last young doe which trotted up the road while we followed curiously. At the crest of the hill, the doe decided to get off the road and did so in one graceful leap over the guardrail - to a railway fourty feet below! There was a train coming and passed underneath a few seconds later.

I went down on foot, not sure just where she landed - to put her out of her misery, I was sure she'd broken her legs... But no need, she'd landed right on the railroad tracks! Imagine the engineer's surpise at that one deer fallen from heaven... :eek:

I figure she was alright until that train started coming closer and she got the heebeejeebees to get outta it's way and couldn't see the drop off in the dark becasue of my "helpful" headlight assist! Took the leap in faith that the ground was on the other side of the railway. Ooops. No meat revovery from that one even if it had been legal in Wyo...

"They took the plunge.
It was absolutely weird,"
said Police Cpl. Steve
Cox. He said the carcasses
were given to passers-by
for butchering.

I don't think I'd chance eating the meat. Who knows WHAT was wrong with them? :confused:
i live in VA and a while back we read a similar article. like 15 deer were trying to cross a major highway. instead of crossing a regular stretch of highway, they were crossing at an on-ramp. well they crossed the road but when they jumped the jersy barrier, 15 deer fell to their deaths on the highway like 20 or 30 feet below. i think it happened in fredricksburg, va if anyone can affirm that. it was in my local paper in one of those "around the state" sections.