Anyone remember "Vera"?


New member
In the TV Series Firefly,,,
This was Jayne Cobb's "favorite gun".

Click here please.

I know it's just a Hollyweird prop,,,
A bunch of stuff bolted onto a Saiga 12,,,
It's the description of the gun that I wonder about.

It is described as:
...a Callahan Full-bore Auto-lock. Customized trigger, double cartridge, thorough gauge.

Does any of that make sense,,,
Is it just Hollyweird gobble-de-gook,,,
Or simply terminology I haven't learned about.

Thorough gauge? :confused:


I remember Vera!

I still think Firefly was the Best. Teveision Show. EVAR.

..... but what do I know? I don't watch TV. ;)
The description is what we call "techno-babble".

Sounds like it means something, but doesn't.

If the storyline doesn't give you a backstory, fans will make one up.

Just look in the Starfleet Technical Manual..oh, wait, the important parts of that are classified! sorry! ;)

Still waiting for my 2mm Schlichter rail gun, and phased plasma rifle in 40 watt range....

"..... the days of me takin' you seriously are definitely comin' to a middle."

"but ..... she was naked, and all ........ articulate!"

Great stuff, there!
hmmm... wonder what it would take for a rifle to fire a ( basic group ) of various cartridges of different calibers

( from reading on one of the links )

a bolt head that would accept all the case heads in the group, & a bore that could stabilize any of the various calibers...

bolt head I'm thinking something like the moon clip-less revolvers a physical mechanism... the barrel could just be a tube with some sort of inductance coil or ??? to impart spin on the bullets... but would require some "sealing" for bullet velocity... :D
I imagaine they'd have caseless ammo figured out by then .....that solves multiple case head dimension issues.

But I seem to recall some really big trocar looking bullet for Vera, in the show .....
I use Vera in my test database for my app.

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Awesome!! Love that show!

"See Vera? Dress yourself up, you get taken out somewhere fun."

That scene where he shoots the window out of the bad guys' space station reminds me of a little insignificant to most people thing that I appreciate about the show...
Any time they were showing some footage of something going on in open space, dead silent... The way it would be in real life. Sound as we know it, can't travel in the vacuum of space... Noisy laser weapons and explosions in space in other popular movies have been annoying to me since I learned that fact years ago as a kid... I liked how Joss Whedon made the show fairly scientifically accurate.

However: Why would it need oxygen around it to fire?? I always thought that a firearm could function in the vacuum of space... The the Mythbusters did it and "busted" the myth that a firearm cannot function in space...

Sucked that they killed off Wash and Shep Booke in the movie....
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Of course I remember Vera. Jayne wanted to trade her for Saffron, played by Christina Hendricks.

Mal turned him down, ostensibly on ethical grounds.

"... rifle to fire a ( basic group ) of various cartridges of different calibers..."

Years back, a poster on one of these sites actually said he had an idea to do that. He said he was going to make a barrel out of metal strips that could be twisted to change caliber, like rolling up a piece of paper. I don't think he ever posted again, so maybe he tried it.

"... rifle to fire a ( basic group ) of various cartridges of different calibers..."

If the concept is one rifle that can fire "various cartridges" of "different calibers," but which are all derived from the same parent cartridge, then LMT's MRP platform has essentially made that concept a working reality.

On my LMT 5.56mm MRP, I can go to a 300Blk set-up in the 5" minutes it takes to undo the receiver's cross-bolts, pull off the 5.56mm barrel, and install the .300BLK tube. Since the .300BLK is but a .223/5.56mm cartridge necked-up to .30-cal, it still uses the same 5.56mm bolt and mags.

Same for my 7.62 LM8 MRP. Any cartridge based off the .308 cartridge can run in the MRP, provided that LMT makes a barrel chambered for it.

And if Ms. Hendricks wants to stand there, topless, and watch me swap barrels on my "Vera," well, I'm really fine with that too. ;)

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