Anyone recognize this part?

Hey guys, like a total rookie, I have an extra part after field stripping and cleaning a couple guns. Any idea what this is or where it goes? I was working on a Remington 870 when I noticed it, specifically removing the barrel + extension tube. The trigger assembly had not been removed at the time.

It is a solid metal rod, no markings or indents.

Everything went back together on the 870 and seems operational, but can't figure out how I left this piece behind. I had also recently stripped down a Beretta PX4, but this seems to big to be a part of that gun.

Any ideas?
Keep shooting the suspect guns and where it's needed will reveal itself.
But first think about where else it could have come from, other than the guns.
What else was going on at the same time?
Maybe it's not even a gun part.
I've done that, racking my brain where that extra little spring came from that was laying on the bench after working on a shooting iron.
It turned out to be from something else altogether.
Just a thought.
"...It is a solid metal rod..." It's a pin, not a rod. It looks about 1/4" diameter?
Nothing like that size in an 870.
Not likely to be in a pistol either.
Anyway, any pin that big would be holding really important parts together and nothing would function properly without it. Doubt it'd be 'in the white' either. Never seen any parts of the 'innards' that were not finished.

Gemmer you're a damn genius. This is SOLVED! You reminded me I had my 10-22 out and those pins are really loose. Thanks everyone for brainstorming on this with me!

I knew it didn't belong to a Rem 870 since we we were trained school to do a detailed disassembly including dismantling the trigger assembly. I had to read the entire thread to learn what it was. Mystery solved! That pin is crucial for stopping the rearward travel of the 10/22 bolt.