Anyone own both a Glock 30 and Glock 23?


New member
For those of you that have both, which do you prefer shooting?

Is one easier to handle and shoot quickly than the other?

Is one easier to carry?

Is there any difference in reliablility or accuracy between the two?
I did have both.......

I sold my 30 and kept the G-23,G-21 and G-22. The 30 is a nice gun but it's a bit to big for CCW for me (to thick) and for me the G-21 feels better and shoots better for a 45.I found the 30 collected more dust than range time,since my Glocks are for Carry or pratice,it made no sense to let the G-30 sit in the safe,Better to let someone else enjoy it.The G-23 is much easier to carry for me,It shoots about as good as the G-30 but the G-30 is more accurate in my hands,follow up's are about the same,both feed anything I ever tried. I liked shooting both but the G-23 is easier to carry for me and the G-21 just shoots better in my hands.

Carried a G23 for many years, but replaced it with the G30.
G30 is more accurate and offers faster follow up shots.

The G23 is more comfortable to carry. But after carrying the G30 for a week, you get used to the difference in thickness and weight.
I find that the G30 has less felt recoil than the G23. It (the G30) is also a lot more accurate than the G23. Both are decent choices.
Does this count? I have a G32 and a G29. . .

Since they are both fairly expensive calibers to shoot, I feel that the shorter grip of the G29 makes it more concealable.

As far as easy of shooting, they (G29/32) are both defensive calibers and easy to shoot IMO.

If I had to do without one, it would be the G32. I always have my P229 in .357 Sig but I have no other compact 10mms! :D

I have both and love both! Unfortunately I cannot carry in my home state (IL), so I can't comment on how comfortable they are for that purpose. Both feel good at the range. I recently also purchased a G21 and put an Agrip on it. I really like the way the Agrip feels with the thickness of the G21/G30 grip. After firing the .45ACP's, the 23 seems AWFULLY small in the hands though!

I guess my post doesn't say a darn thing to help anyone out...sorry. All I can say is both are excellent, shoot well, and you should have both!
I have both the G30 and 23. Both are relatively easy to conceal. The 23 offers you a perfect combination of size and an accessory rail. However, the recoil on the 23 is a bit snappy compared to the 30. In my experiences, the 30 is also more accurate. Reliability isn't an issue with either Glocks as long as you shoot factory ammo.

So what it boils down to is, which Glock feels more comfortable in your hands? Do you plan on using it as a target pistol or strictly for CCW?
I have both. I tend to carry the G30 more in the winter and G23 more in the spring and fall. It all depends on the type of coat I wear, the G30 is more bulky. When I wear a fleece pullover I drop to a G27 because the BS-2 holster I use keeps the muzzle at the bottom of the belt. Carries very high. The G30 is one of the most accurate out of the box guns that I have seen, don't know why, don't care, but I have never seen one that is a bad shooter. I do like the G23 for the added mag capacity with a +2 extender.
I carry my 23 more than my 30. I've never really thought of why. My 30 is more accurate, but the 23 is certainly 'combat' accurate. I have Trijicons on the 30. The 23 fits my hand better. That and the fact that with the hicaps I have (and my 27 on the ankle) 39 rounds on me, vs. 21 with the 30. That probably shouldn't matter, but I guess it does to me. Both have been totally reliable. Whichever one fits your person better.
The G30 is easier/softer to shoot, more accurate in my hands, the G23 easier to carry.

Terminal ballistics?


230 HS, 755 fps, 14/.68
165 Triton, 1120, 9/.84


180 HS, 910 fps, 13/.67
135 Triton, 1270, 11/.60(f)
Sold G30, kept G23.

With the G23 (depending on your hand size) you can get a full grip that doesn't shift around and that doesn't require a one-finger hold while reloading.

The G30 was more accurate, but I shoot the 23 well enough. 23 is more concealable if you're comparing it to the G30 with 10-round mags. With 9-round mags the G30 had a slight concealability advantage for me.
Agree with jsn & dwestfall especially on the G21. Sold the 30 as it just did not fit my large hand. It was very accurate but even if it did "fit" still much prefer the 21 even as a CCW pistol. Have a 23 also and can shoot it just about as well in IDPA and other Local level matches as the 21 except perhaps past 15 yds. or so. Mostly use the 23 as a "Cheater" gun......when don't want to carry the 21 or just a quick run to the store. Use Lou Alessi's excellent "Talon+" IWB or David Elderton's superb Ky-Tac "Braveheart" IWB that can be just clipped on to even beltless pants and go.
While I'm generally a 1911 type, I do have a G30 and a G23. I like the G30 a lot: the recoil is tame, my particular gun has a great trigger (for a Glock), it's accurate and very "shootable," and it's utterly reliable. The G23, on the other hand, is much easier both to conceal and to carry (at least for me), it does have the three extra rounds available, and it is likewise utterly reliable. Despite my preference for certain features of the G30 (not to mention an even stronger preference for certain features of the 1911 and even some revolvers), when I take *everything* into account, I would pick the G23 if I were somehow (God forbid) limited to only one handgun for all occasions and for all purposes.

Go to your local range and shoot both of them. I've shot amost all of the Glocks except for the .357 Sigs.

The 40SW Glocks are great for LEOs, but for civilians, the 9mm and 45 ACP Glocks dominate the sales market. A good amount of people don't like the mule kick they get from the 40SW round. It affects their accuracy. Look at all of the cops who annually fail to qualify with their G23 or G22 on their first run.

Side by side, most shooters opt for the G30 unless they have smaller hands.

BUT for most Glocksters, the G30 shines the brightest. And is widely reported to be the most accurate Glock of them all. she just won't feed SWCs.

The G30 is chambered in 45 ACP, the most widely used target round. Great for CCW. Biug enough for IPSC, IDPA, or extended range time.

Great terminal ballistics with Corbons, HydraShoks, ProLoads, or Golden Sabres.

AND you could join the Big Dawgs club on GT!