Anyone Listening to CSPAN?

I am absolutely *ecstatic*!!!

While the gun debate goes on, CSPAN takes callers on a "Liberal", "Conservative" and "Moderate" lines. Even in rotation, the calls are about 7 to 1 against any further firearms legislation.

The polls be damned. America is not asleep.
Yes, but are you listening what is going on after that vote on HR 2122!!!! That bloated
bast*** Hyde is proposing the import ban on mags!!!!! PLEASE PEOPLE VOTE THESE IMMORAL YELLOW COWARDS OUT!!!!!

[This message has been edited by ursus (edited June 18, 1999).]
I have been watching C-SPAN almost constantly for the last two days. I have actually gotten through twice, and was hung up on both times. The first time I got through the director of FEMA was on. I was going to ask if it was true that FEMA could take control of DOD in a national emergency. The screener said hold The second time was yesterday. I called on the moderate line during a gun control discussion. The screener was a woman with a heavy British accent, she said, "are you a liberal, moderate or conservative". I told her I called on the moderate line but I guess I was a conservative. She said, "this is the moderate line" Ya Ya, why didn't I call on the conservative line you say? I toggle back and forth between the moderate and conservative line with the redial trying to get through. I'll know better next time.
Rich, It did get good last night. There was one stretch where there must have been 30 calls in a row pro gun.
Shoot - this may mean I have to use USA or PRO-MAG magazines!



Could be worse. Could be Ram-Line.

The horror!

"We are going to fight. We are going to be hurt.
But in the end, we will stand."
--Roland Deschain
If I hear the anti's say the word "children" one more time, JUST ONE MORE TIME....

Better let it go at that.
You think it is bad on CSPAN.. at least you can curse the TV.. I'm in DC.. it is ugly, but HR2122 as it looks like it will pass (without McCarthy and Conyers Amendments...) is much improved over the Senate Bill.

MCcarthy really has proven herself to be a complete idiot, IMHO. While on the floor defending her amendment sh has someone prompting her on proper parlimentary procedure for christ's sake!!!

Here's an idea: a debtae featuring McCarthy vs Gratia-Hupp. Nearly identical situations, 180 degrees of separation.

"We are going to fight. We are going to be hurt.
But in the end, we will stand."
--Roland Deschain