Anyone know what this pistol is and what its worth? Pictures


A friend of mine picked this up from a guy and he would like to know what it is and what its worth. I didn't find any name on it. It is small, about 4 or 5 inches total length and the caliber is about like a .22
Thanks for any help,

And please tell your friend - even if you can cram a 22 lr cartridge in the gun, it's not designed for it. The 6 mm Flobert was less powerfull than a 22 short, and the gun cannot handle a 22 lr's pressure.
It is indeed designed for a low power Flobert cartridge ( there were several calibers ), value is in the lower half of a hundred dollars.
I didn't know that my new little toy was a copy of an actual old gun!

I've chronographed over 800 FPS using a lead BB with patch and 209 primers, it will go through 3/8" plywood. It's rifled, which, considering that there is no rear sight, seems a waste of effort to me. In addition, using a carefully held rest and a notch in the swivel plate for a rear sight it's far from making what I'd call groups.

BTW, for anyone who has one of the Pedersoli's, the secret is in removing the bleed insert just forward of the chamber, it has a hole about .015" in diameter (Guessing) and with that in place the BB's barely made it across the room.