Anyone know what the carry laws in Tampa are?


Staff Alumnus
Another nutbar went off in a Tampa hotel. Is Tampa a shall-issue type of place?

"The evils of tyranny are rarely seen but by him who resists it."
-- John Hay, 1872
I would think that Florida law would be "the controlling legal authority". Of course, criminals tend to ignore "controlling legal authorities".

GOTO (yada, yada, & hit the state laws field. Choose Florida (duh). All y'all wanna know about legalities re various states' firearms laws & CCW, etc, (although somewhat not too concise as in they didn't cover CO's 21-7-103 which I most generously pointed out to them & they still haven't updated the site, BTW :()

But too & still, when did any perp-type ever bother with such technicalities as the law?

& JEEZ! when will the Libs/antis/FHs (you figure that one out ;))/etc, & on & on ever get the drift that The Bad Guys Don't Obey The Laws!? & we do! Damn!

& too, the whole state of FLA is shall issue (as far as I'm aware = home state - sorta) since the famous state-wide CCW push they had back in '89 (? - so shoot me ;)) ... background check, training & you get the brass ring. They set the stage (pretty much) for the whole USofA (& never looked back)
Guys, you're missing the point. I KNOW crims don't obey the law. Sheesh.

What I want to know is, did Joe Average Citizen have the legal ability to take down the bad guy in this instance? Was the hotel a "weapons-free" facility? I'm guessing the answers are, in order, no and yes.

"The evils of tyranny are rarely seen but by him who resists it."
-- John Hay, 1872
I spend a fair amount of time in Tallahassee, and have yet to see any "No guns in here" sort of sign such as we have in Texas.

Since the Florida carry-law is paramount over municipal ordinances, I'd guess a licensed carrier, if present, could have shot the bad guy.

What little I've seen on the "nooz" indicates the hotel employee only shot at people he knew--indicating he was not around a customer-area. On the street, in his car-jacking, he was probably "hit-and-gone" before anybody could have reacted...

If the BG had been shot and killed by CCW permit holder you would have never heard about that part of the story.

Same reason you'll never see crime statisics for Kenasaw, GA printed in the paper. Or the facts of how a gun owner stopped the school shooting in Pearl, MS.

The press stays away from stories like that like the plague. So just because it wasn't reported, doesn't mean a CCW didn't return fire,or actually cause the BG to leave.

But to answer your question, FL is a shall issue state.

The hotel was largly occupied by college students attending the Gator bowl.

We have seen it fit as society to deny citzens under 21 the right to have weapons to defend themselfs, so it's unlikly that many CCW were in the area.

The new guy.

"I'm totin, this pistol because my dang SKS won't fit in my holster"
Can carry anywhere not posted that Firearms are not allowed besides the obvious- gov't buildings, Court Houses, Post Offices, Political Events, schools, hospitals, Departure Area of Airports, ect... . Also can carry in Resturant/Bar as long as you don't sit at the bar. These are ones i can recall immediately. If there is a a business that objects to CCW on premises must have sign at entrance in plain view.
I'm just going on what was reported on the news.

I've been wrong before, I think.

The new guy.

"I'm totin, this pistol because my dang SKS won't fit in my holster"