Anyone know Vic Pickett?


New member
I was watchin' a show on the tube and saw Vic Pickett being interviewed. I know him from when I worked at Caswell's Shooting Range in Mesa,AZ. and was kind of glad to see he was doing as well as he was in the shooting sports. He was pretty fast back then shooting IPSC matches on Thursday nights at the range, looks like he's got a lot better equiptment now then he was using back then. He had an L frame Smith and used 38spl brass with his "special" hot load so he'd make Major but still get fast ejection with the shorter brass. Anyway, if any of ya'll know him tell him that Darrell says "Howdy".
I should see him at rio salado spring steel on the 24th. I don't know him that well but my revolver buddy knows him.
I doubt that he'd remember me, it's been years ago but he was a heck of a nice guy and FAST with the L frame S&W that he had back then. Maybe if you tell him I was the guy that used to load ammo for Kenny as Caswell's back around '89 or '90. I also used to ride to work with John, he worked for Kenny, he was quite a guy too. Man, this gets me to missing being in AZ.