Anyone know this mystery range? (S. Florida)


New member
Sorry, could not figure another place to post this. I'll let the mods move as appropriate...

For S. Floridians:

There is what appears to be an outdoor range called "Hollywood Pistol & Rifle Club" roughly a couple of miles west off I-95 on Stirling Road, North side.

I drove by it some time ago (family in the car so did not stop) and then went to look it up - no info. Asked about it and no one in the area could tell me about it. Figured it must be a private city range or so.

Drove by it again today (family in the car again) and the sign sure seemed like a civilian club one. Not advertised anywhere though.

Anyone know anything about this place?

Just hoping to find a place to shoot outdoors closer than way north (Markham park) or way south (Trails)... particularly since I'm introducing myself to the rifle world...


I'm a member of the HRPC. It's been there since the 1920's. It is a private club and were are always looking for new members so drop in any weekend. Saturday around 12:00, and Sunday mornings are the best times.

We shoot pistols out to 50 yards with lead target loads and .22 rifles out to 100 yards. It is an all NRA club.

Contact me if you want more info.

elliotw@bigfoot "dot" com :: replace the "dot" etc.
Thanks Elliot,

Sounds great! I'll stop by over a weekend.

Rifles limited to .22? (just bought my first .223)
Dan: that's .22LR no .223s - the people that live in the trailer park on the other side of the 100 yard berm got tired of patching holes. I should have been more specific.

Right, I was wondering what was behind there, thought it was that nice community where I almost bought a house many years ago (Hollywood Oaks).

Thanks, looking forward to visiting the range.
actually, i live in pembroke pines - and i often pass a mystery range on i think... griffen or stirling. im pretty sure its this one, i mean how many mystery ranges can there be?
im getting an AP-74 .22lr rifle soon, but currently have no memberships of any kind, and im 19 yrs old... can i get in?
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