Anyone know anything about those Styer AUG's?


I have talked to some Customs Agents who are issued the AUG. They all swear buy them. The only thing that turns me off about them is the price..
I've only handled the civillian versions (USR?), but found them to be of typical Steyr quality. Though kind of weird in appearance, they felt pretty good my hands.

Like byrdman said, the price was a bit of a turn off.
I had the opportunity to put 40 rnds through one a few years back.

Man it was awesome. It fit me perfectly, and integral optical sight made it almost effortless in nailing clay pidgeons at 100 yds. For me it was an easier rifle to shoot well than the M-16/AR-15.

I saw one last month in my usual shop that had been special ordered for someone, it took a few month to locate it. It was on display until the guy picked it up.

Used, he paid $2300.00 If I were rich...


Si vis pacem para bellum!

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Besides the odd (some say awesome) appearance, the Steyr AUG SA is not something I'd want to go to battle with. When in full battle mode, the bullpup designed stock is pressed tightly against your shoulder or bi-cep (depending upon your sighting preferences). The magazine well is just in front of the butt of the stock, making for difficult magazine changes without taking your eyes of your target. I've often compared this task to dialing your cell phone while driving in 80 mph traffic. In addition, because of that mag entry position being nearly under the butt stock, the distance from a natural shooting mode to the mag exchange that the hand has to travel could cost you your life, that is if your can even find the well while keeping your eye in the direction of your target(s).

They are sleak looking and interesting designs and no doubt a welcomed addition to any collector, however, the price is way out of whack unless you are strictly collecting for an eventual profitable resale. But in the battlefield, you'll be laying in the mud with your $3500 semi-auto "ray" gun. You can buy a whole bunch of Mini-14's or a few AR's with that kind of cash... and the .223 bullets will still find their targets just the same.