Anyone in CA interested in getting a CCW permit ?

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I bought a manual (link below) that is FULL of the ins and outs of getting a Concealed Weapon Permit for California. It has INCREDIBLE easy to understand information and I'm already on the way to getting mine after following the steps outlined. (I'm SO happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

The manual is normally $100, now on sale at that site for $50 and I'm selling my copy for $25 (in perfect wear at all.. Heck I've only had it a month or so)..

I'll even pay the shipping First Class Mail.

Check out the site and EMAIL ME (please don't post here as I might not see it).


After you read it, you'll be really happy you found the manual for only $25 :) :)

I wish I had known this information 10 years ago ! I wouldn't have had to walk the crime ridden streets of LA without my favorite GLOCK !!! :)

When is the STUPID California Legislature going to make CA a SHALL ISSUE STATE ? It's a PROVEN FACT that states such as Florida and Texas have seen more reductions in violent crime since they becamse SHALL ISSUE states ! It is so OBVIOUS that if a scumbag crook has to wonder if you are packing that he'll be less likely to try something for fear that you might BLOW HIS HEAD off at the neck !

What an incredibly AWESOME picture that would make on the front page a few days a week !!! :) :)

I guess the IDIOTS up there in Sacramento all believe ROSIE O'BLUBBER ! Oooo, guns are bad.. It's not the criminals, it's their bad guns that are the problem..

YEAH ! Dumb B**** !
I studied this website a few yrs ago (but not the book, admittedly). I'm not sure they have had any success in LA City/County in getting people CCW's. All the people in LA city who got CCW's after winning their class-action lawsuit, got them for one year. LAPD would not renew them, and their only recourse was to sue again. Not sure how many did. I was told this by one of the plaintiffs in the suit.

There are areas in SoCal where you have a good chance of getting a ccw if you live there.... city of Simi Valley, Ventura County, Orange county has loosened up. To my knowledge, LA city/county have not.

Anyone here know something that contradicts this? I'd love to know, and I'd SURE buy your book, Glockaholic.
I agree, it's a great manual.. Glad someone with some expertise on the CCW subject put it together...

I wish I would have seen your ad BEFORE I bought it though :( Love to save that much $ when I can !

If it wasn't copyrighted, I'd set up a web site with all the info ! :() but I have thing funny thing about getting sued !

hmmm.... I just noticed something.

Are glockaholic & Matt357 & scott90501 a little too similar ? A little fishy ?

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Date Registered:October 14, 1999
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I apologize if I'm wrong, I'm just a lurker anyways, what do I know ?

This "info" has circulated for the past 3 yrs...I have yet to know personally and hear of a "real" person who used it and succeeded.

Personally, I'd think a real pro-rkba person with "gold info" would duplicate it and send it out for cost. This is California, there are no shortcuts in a gunhaters paradise.

If this is on the level, I apologise...if this is a scam, I will find out and both your ISP and TFL will crush you

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
Please DC - try not to sugarcoat things so much. Just tell us how you really feel...

:-) :-)


Vote Democratic! 1 Billion Chinese can't be wrong......
I have seen this manual. I did not think it was all that usefull. There is a little history on CCW and a few ideas to "bend" the rules, but it certainly is not worth any more than a dime store novel- IMHO.

Obviously, others feel differently though.

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