Anyone Here From Alabama?

Born and raised in good ol Alabam. I guess you can tell from my handle which side of the state feud I'm on :). I'm currently going to grad school in NC, but plan to come back home when I'm done.
Yes I'm from AL, down in Baldwin Co. Now the questions is what part of AL ya'll in and when ya coming over to go plinking?

| the person with |
| enough MONEY & POWER|
| to pry it from my |
| cold dead hands |
Boy a couple of you are pretty close! Didn't think I would ever find people from my area.

HaTeDrUgY- I'm right across the bay from you in Theodore.
And to m16a2223- I hunt in Clarke and Wilcox counties. Are you close to Coffeeville?

I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one in Bama, that cares about what is happening to this country.
No, I did't make to that show last week. I did make it to the one at the pensacola fairgrounds the week before. What I think is cool is that they advertise on TV for that one. Shows that there is alot of gun enthusists in the south.

| the person with |
| enough MONEY & POWER|
| to pry it from my |
| cold dead hands |
No, I did't make to that show last week. I did make it to the one at the pensacola fairgrounds the week before. What I think is cool is that they advertise on TV for that one. Shows that there is alot of gun enthusists in the south.

| the person with |
| enough MONEY & POWER|
| to pry it from my |
| cold dead hands |
Tom B,
I don't get the chance to go much anymore. As I stated at the top of the thread, I'm currently in grad school in NC. My family and I used to lease land in Cottonton and Ft. Mitchell, back when I was single ;) and had time to hunt and plink. When school is over, I'm sure I'll be looking for a new place.
Live in Marshall county near Parchess Cove. Lived up north most of my life but was born in N. Carolina.

I love it here more than anywhere else in the U. S. !