Anyone here familiar with the Ellett Brothers catalog?


New member
My local firearms dealer got a catalog from them recently.

He claimed that he'll be selling firearms and firearm accessories at the MSRP listed in the catalog from now on.

How do the prices on the catalog compare to your local retail stores?
Ellett Brothers is a dealer distributor. Few folks have access to their catalog.

As far as selling at MSRP, I personally know of zero dealers who do that.
Retail prices are retail prices - the catalog company doesn't set them - the manufacturer does. Whether or not a company sells at MSRP depends on several things - competition, and the practice of the company making the product. Certain industries maintain price-protected products that everyone who sells them sells for. Others. (including most gun makers) do not.

If your local guy wants to sell S&W at MSRP, he'll find that the local competition does not and he will need to adjust his pricing accordingly.
Thanks for the replies guys.

bobelk99 you pinpointed my main issue with the catalog. I don't have access to it :(.

I'll see if he'll let me take a look at that catalog.
The store I work in sells new guns for $50.00 over the wholesale cost. Often that is a far bit from MSRP. We quit using EB several years ago due to thier cost to us. :)