Anyone here ever been shot?

I in no way mean to offend or make anyone uncomfortable, but if anyone here could share their experience being shot, how it felt, what happened after, etc. I would be very appreciative. This is out of pure curiosity.

I was shot when I was kid. The .22 rifle the ahole was playing with was "unloaded". I got hit in the Pectoralis Minor. I heard the shot and I did drop upon being hit. I don't beleive it was the bullet that droped me, but the shock of being shot. I did have a canvas hunting vest on and that and the the fact that I was at that time, a lean hard muscled kid, the penetration was minimal, just into the muscle. It hurt like hell and after the Doc removed it, for some time I had a nasty black and blue and yellow from my scapula to my nipple. As far as what happend after? The SOB avoided m for years. Till the day I die, there is no unloaded gun unless I confirm it as such.
The certificate on my wall says I was shot on March 12, 1972. I completely agree with the AD post above....all I remember was the indescribable adrenalin rush and the realization that I might very well die in the next, few seconds. As it turned out, my wound wasn't life-threatening. However, coming face-to-face with your own mortality, and the likelihood of dying within seconds, is a feeling that cannot be adequately described in words. Hardly a week goes by that I don't wake up thinking of it in the middle of the night. It's been 33 years.
Shot, 14 yrs old, .22lr in shin.

Fractured front shin bone (you doctor types correct me for my ignorance). Bled a lot but then again not really. Probably most of my blown up memory.

No real memory of pain, just a few pictures in memory that are probably blown out of proportion. And I'm still friends with the fella that did it (I'm originally from Baltimore MD, and live in WI now... he's doing well for himself and believe it or not was always that voice of reason growing up to my impressionalbe adolescent, even if he didn't have muzzle control!!!).

Little 2 1/2 inch scare to prove it all.
When I was 16 I was hit square in the middle of my forehead with a .22 that had richoched off a cow bone that was being used as a target from about 6 feet away. Scared the crap out of me as I didn't know at first what had happened and how I got shot, just thought if it was in my head I was dead. I was lucky it wasn't a direct shot and I just had a bloody forehead. I was scared to let anyone know what happened, as was my shooting buddy, so we just cleaned it up and put a bandaid on and learned to never shoot any hard targets. Glad it didn't go a couple of inches lower into my eye, but bouncing even a .22 of your forehead is scary, glad I have such a thick head. :D
"glad I have such a thick head. :D "


Thankfully the worst I was ever shot with was a Dasiy single cock BB Gun as a kid. I realize it can't compare with some of the others but a lesson was learned that day