Anyone heard about internet charges?


New member
On another board someone posted that in about two weeks Congess was to vote to allow/disallow phone companies to charge for time accessing the internet even if it was a local call.

Has anyone heard anything more about this? Or is it rumor?

If something like this should happen it would probably affect the traffic here on the board. (there's the gun topic connection for you! ;))

[This message has been edited by John/az2 (edited March 20, 1999).]
Do a search here on "internet tax", "internet charges".

Also there is 2 yr moratorium on new taxes. And there is an article on WorldNet Daily about it close to the bottom front page

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
The charges were to be between internet providers for connection fees, not charging users long distance fees for local calls. The same type of fees are charged between telephone companies now, if I use Jim's Screendoor and Telephone Company and you use Acme Telephone and I call you a small fee is charged to my company by your company to complete the call. When you call me the reverse is true. These charges tend to equal out. What is not known is how such fees can be set up to equal out on the web.