Anyone hear of anything new coming along?


New member
I was just doing my once-in-a-while web circuit of AIM, J&G, SOG, etc and it occurred to me that I haven't seen anything new in the C&R category show up in a LOOOOONG time.

Any intel out there on treasure troves that are pending import approval or anything like that? For that matter, are there even any sources of things we haven't seen ... Polish SKSs, maybe? Seems like we are in quite a drought :cool: ... sure could use a little rain.

Given my track record for predictions, you ought to take this with a ginormous grain of salt.

If you look at the evolution of military firearms, going from bolt action to semi-auto to full-auto, I think that we've run through the range of what's available. Oh, stuff will turn up - look at the Chinese M44s that just popped up. And there's the continual stream of Mosin-Nagants, although they'll end someday. But I other than the M-Ns, I think that the bolt action stream is drying up. The semi-auto stream is a bit more difficult, given the requirements of US law and just what was actually made.

Maybe there will be some handguns that pop up. Given the moving 50 year window, perhaps at some point there will be a surge of milsurp pistols available.

Anyway, like I said, my track record for predictions of any kind is terrible. In fact, you could bet exactly the opposite of the above and probably have a much better chance of being right.
What was unique / of interest in the Vietnam era? We're on the front end of that 50 year era.
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What was unique / of interest in the Vietnam era? We're on the front end of that 50 year era.

Nothing that isn't already out there, or Class III. SKS, AK, M16. Probably no big warehouses full ready to be sold to the US C&R market. Maybe the M1's and Carbines that have been talked about.
Anything else will be coming from somewhere other than EU countries. Don't they have a program to destroy all military surplus firearms? Just wonder how the Walther P1's and, not C&R, but Sig 225's survived?
The Golden Age of Military Surplus is over. Could be some armories crammed with Russian SKS, and WWII semiautos, and even more Capture K98s and Lugers, but getting the import licenses from this administration is doubtful. Given the UN treaties on arms destruction, as well, don't expect stocks to remain intact much longer.
Stinks that Bulgarian Makarovs need not apply as C&R amongst the East Germans and Russians. :( Seems like there is quite a large inventory of them, but since they weren't in production until the 1970's and Bulgaria has remained the same national entity, we have a while to wait there. It has been said, and I agree, that the CZ 82 is one of the best curio and relic handguns available. Even though the guns were manufactured though the 80's and 90's, they still qualify as C&R because of the revolution and historical significance concerning the change from Czechoslovakia to the Czech Republic. Common sense would dictate to me that a Makarov is a Makarov is a Makarov, but I suppose the BATFE has their reasons to not include them. Not sure what it may be though. :confused: I know, in terms of quality and collectability, some people will value one national origin over another. Yet, if it is the same overall design, then why not? I read how some people have asked or petitioned for the BATFE to include the Bulgarian in the list, but they didn't bite. MAYBE if it was tried again, there may be a different outcome, but I doubt it.
a little on the high $$$ side @400 a pop
I just got an Email from AIM Surplus on some Star Model B 9MMs
from WW2......thoughts on these?
WOW, they went up in price. I got a model B 5 or 6 years ago for $239 with 2 mags. They are very similar to a 1911.
I just got an E-mail from Samco Global the other day, they have recently got in a few really nice Mausers that are in Excelent Conditoin.
Some Sweedish Mausers that are very nice, kind of pricey but in very good conditon. May be the last chance to pick up a good conditon Sweed.
Cheapshooter: Pardon my speech in case you are now quite familiar with this.

About two years ago I stumbled onto a website for a British/Euro arms control association.
That group apparently has used some of their tax Euros/Pounds to destroy huge heaps of AKs etc and ammo, to try to prevent access by Third World (mostly African) war lords.
Imagine the high profile of child soldiers after the movie Blood Diamonds etc came out, the broadcasts of kids used in the Liberian fighting and so on.

An Aussie member of Gunboards stated about two years ago that his friend in South Africa walked into a gun shop and saw a terrible sight.
S.A. was just the latest in a series of countries to accept western govts' money for ordering the destruction of milsurp rifles-but these were Brens and obsolete bolt-action Enfields!:mad:He witnessed this senseless waste.

I've never found that same Brit/Euro website again, but reportedly there are lots of international arms control groups.
CA Senator Dianne Feinstein is one of the main promotors of UN-sanctioned small arms destruction (our tax dollars at work). Look up the UN Small Arms Treaty.
They don't understand the difference between an AK, a Mauser, an Enfield etc.
The CMP and regular importers apparently will never again have access to "foreign" M-1 Carbines, due to the magazine capacity.
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if they are anything like the 1903A4s that they have then they are probably going to be repros build on standard 91/30s.