Anyone have pics of full autos they carried in combat?

Does this count?

The M2 Heavy Barrel Caliber .50 Machine Gun that my elbow is resting upon is definitely an automatic weapon. :)
Here's one on the perimeter of hill 29(wherever that was) in Nam...Sgt Pullin as I recall the trigger man.

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Sorry Tony, I went though my scanned Marine pics I have on Facebook and none had a 240 in them. That makes me want to go though all my Marine photos and see what other pics I have. There's got to be a 240 somewhere.

In the meantime, here's me in Tunisia back in 2000 with a boring ol' M16A2. Not combat, we were training during a MEU(SOC) deployment.

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Very cool pic, Theo.

I'm a big fan of the M16A2. There's something retro cool about it, especially with everyone, military and civilian, going to the collapsible M4 carbine design.
Tony, somewhere I have one of the -240 section attached to my posing with us after an Op. And the -240 is on the ground in front of me and the section leader. We're holding a GSU flag. Let me see if I can find it on my old hard drive.