Anyone have list of pro gun companies?


New member
I think we are getting off to a bad start when we have to send email to anti companies to try to change them.

We should be supporting pro freedom companies and actively telling them why they get our support (lest they drift). I am looking for a list, but the only lists I see are composed of the enemy. We all got to shop, where do we buy after we send our letters to the evil companies?

I know I can drink BUD and my CHEVY truck PENZOIL, but I might need something else besides beer and oil.

I can't wear Mossy Oak break up to work.
Ja Mein Oberkommando:

There are some true pro-gun concerns out there. They are the small businesses ownned by people like you and me and others like: Sigarms,Ruger,Beretta,Mil Tec,Big Bear Arms,Springfield Armory,Winchester,Marlin,etc. The problem is the major corps. have PR people and administrative people who hold high degrees from very liberal indoctrination camps (Universities). I know, I am a graduate of such a place but I came to my senses after my first big bill from the IRS!

"When guns are outlawed;I will be an outlaw."
I'm interested in a list also.
Oberkomando, can you wear Wranglers to work?

Wrangler ok, just my arse little too wide for them, like to stay with cutoff sweats and fatigues. I only wear "dress pants" at weddings and funerals.

I think the rest of the liquor and all the fast food companies along with ford and crysler should help support the gun industry as they are probably next in line after the lawyers finish with this case.

Buy a bag of Oreo's support RJR Nabisco! Long live big tobacco.
Was nothing more than a shakedown, and where is Unlce Bill now that the man is after him wish he would come over. Wow would that upset the liberals!

I think most gun manufacturers are pro-gun. Well, except ruger that is.


Anyone worth shooting, is worth shooting twice...
dorcas, you forgot to add Colt and Kmart to the list of anti gun, gun companies along with Ruger.

Wow ,just look how rediculess this politically correct bull sh~t has gotten in just 8 years exposure to Bill Klinton, the most evil man in the world next to Adolf Hitler, according to a recient poll.

Now we have anti-gun _gun manufacturers! Geeze! 15 years ago,who would have ever guessed?

TFL & Ct. CAN opperater
email can AT [url=""]

[This message has been edited by ernest2 (edited November 20, 1999).]
Why do you say the Ruger Co. is anti-gun? Bill Ruger committed a selfish, wide-ranging blunder, but he has long retired. But, on the other hand, we will never know what would have been banned in place of his stupid magazine capacity proposal to Congress.

oberkommando, here are a few more I've come up with:
Franklin Mint
North American Van Lines
Sheraton Hotels
Jet Tools
Ridgid Tools
K-Mart (yes, even though Roseola is their spokesidiot, they haven't caved as far as selling and advertising guns and ammo)

[This message has been edited by Mal H (edited November 20, 1999).]
Mal thanks for list, as you are the only one to respond with companies not anti gun.

You see where this thread disitegrates to? Only anti companies primarily.

What I am looking for are companies that are OPENLY PRO GUN. "Not gun, safe, ammo, or others that are directly benefiting from firearms".

Thanks for the replys everyone.

[This message has been edited by oberkommando (edited November 20, 1999).]
I just thought of something. If you were to watch TNN Saturday Mornings starting at 9:00, there are many companys there who advertize on these hunting shows. It would have to be a good bet that they would be pro-gun.

This is pathetic. We can get a list a friggin mile long of anti-gun companies but we can't come up with more than a dozen pro-gun companies. This is worse than pathetic - it is outrageous that a civil liberty can garner no public support!
Why dwell on the NYSE? Pro gun or pro Constitution companies exist everywhere. Look in your local phone book. Say you need a plumber. 10 numbers in the book. Ask em. Do you support RKBA? You won't be dealing with customer relations but the owner of the business sometimes. No? Well that is why I am dialing another number and not considering your services sir. Point is: find local people regardless of the business, that support what you value. Tie in person, your patronage to the quality of the product + their support of the Constitution. I do it all the time. It ain't hard. The bonus is those that do actually provide the best product!
I have never heard or read that thought before! And it is so simple!

My next call for services will include that very qualification!



"The middle of the road between the extremes of good and evil, is evil. When freedom is at stake, your silence is not golden, it's yellow..." RKBA!
To the big corporations money means more than our rights. We need to identify the number one anti-gun company ( like the one who financially supports Hand Gun Control the most). If all gun owners stopped buying from this company I believe they could be put out of business. The next company to be selected for a boycott just might turn pro-gun. Why has this not been done? Is there anything that could be more effective? Come on NRA... help us get this started
skeeter, I thought that was a good idea so I went to HCI's web site to see if they had any sponsors like lots and lots of gun/outdoor sites do. I found nary a one - interesting.

But while I was there I played a delightful little game called "Let's Steal Eddie Eagle and Call It Ours". You can have loads of fun playing, play it with friends and neighbors. But don't tell anyone they didn't make up the game, it would spoil all the fun.
(They need to get better cartoon artists, some of the guns have the cylinder axle running through a cylinder bore and the unloading rod running through the middle of the cylinder and what looks like a rolling block lever on a modern revolver.)

Play it at:
HCI IS the pondscum I have always figured them to be. Ordinarily I would approve of the attempt to educate "children" (of course as far as HCI and certain government statisticians are concerned childhood apparently doesn't end until one is ~ 25 years old), but the b**tards took something the NRA has spent a lot of time and effort on and now they want to make it theirs. JMHO