Anyone have Freedom Arms mini revolvers?


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Anyone has Freedom Arms mini revolvers? It no longer available. I own two .22 Magnum and 2 .22LR. They are quite high quality, of cause you don't want to put thousands of rounds through it, be reasonable. The magnum are quite strong, I chronograph both 1" and 2"(I think) barrels, it's over 1100fps and 1300fps resp. This is really really fast. I contrast these to NAA 3" magnum, I barely got 1100fps out of it. The space between the barrel and the cylinder is very narrow, I don't remember the exact number, must be like 0.004". I think that's why the pressure is so high, very little gas leakage. The NAA is sloppy.

I am not an expert of ballistic, but the sound and recoil of those .22 magnum are quite strong, it's no .22LR. Those pistols are so small, but it's better than nothing. I bet it's stronger than 25ACP little pistol like Beretta 950(which I have two).
If you like them, more power to you.

My dad gave me 4 variations of them and said "these were fun for a while, see if you like them."

I found them less fun and sold them immediately for almost what he paid for them. I would much rather have a little .25

That said, the workmanship on the Freedom Arms is like fine jewelry crossed with bank vault strength and precision. I would own one of the FA revolvers again in a heartbeat if one came my way in sub-handcannon chambering. I am past my hand cannon years, my FA was one of the finest firearms I ever owned or saw.
I don't necessary like them, but they are small, very deep concealment. Like I said, I chronograph it, it is more powerful than the 25. I don't remember how fast was the 25 through my Beretta 950, it's not impressive, or else I would remember.

Sure, you want big bullets, but for about 4oz in the pocket..............
I have one in .22LR with the 1" barrel. The accuracy is pretty amazing, but hard to manage.
If you can hold it exactly - and I mean exactly - the same way every shot, it'll put the rounds in a nice group, but doing that is a chore.
When I was on active duty, I bet a USAF range master $20 that I could hit a standard military silhouette with all 5 shots at 100 yds. By holding the tiny gun hard and aiming at the head, I won the bet.
Ha ha, I won't talk accuracy with these little thing. For holding, it's very easy, use you middle finger and "hook" onto the butt of the gun, index finger to support it. When shooting, it recoil and the butt will hook to your middle finger and it won't jump out. I did not have to hold it hard. You look at the butt of the gun and you'll see, it's like a slight hook, when it jump, the barrel tilt up and it will hook deeper around the middle finger.

That's how I shoot it. I can do it one hand. The thumb is free to cock the hammer.

I am by no means say this is a good defense gun. BUT remember, the gun is ONLY as good as it can be with you. This one can be with you without having to worry about wearing a jacket in the hot days to hide it, it's very light, you can even make a small pocket inside your pants under the belt.

.22LR is too weak, .22 Mag is a different world in recoil and sound. I can't say about other ones, the bullet speed of my two .22Mag is quite high. 1 1/8" gave 1100fps, 1 3/4"(I think) gave a whopping 1300fps. This is no kidding. Energy proportion to square of velocity. For 1300fps, the energy equal to about a bullet twice the weight of the .22mag travels at 920fps. That's around the velocity other tiny semi auto are.

I checked on line, .22mag is 40 grain, 32ACP is 60grain. speed of 32 is about 900fps. From my calculation, .22 mag from the little thing is more powerful that a 32ACP!!! Please check my calculation, I am surprised by this too!!:eek:

The NAA 3" is a flop, barely 1100fps for much bigger size.

Hey, they are a mile better than pepper spray or knives for defense. The magnum is quite loud and have the "boom" magnum sound, you can scare people if they don't look at it.
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This is why I've become enamored with the H&R Young America revolvers from the early 1900s, those 5 shot .32's were as small as you could practically get for a DA pocket revolver and they weighed less than 10oz.

They're not as small as an NAA, but I'm willing to bet a quality made one with modern steels and Aluminum could handle .32 S&W and weigh close to what the NAA's do.