Anyone had experience with wait times / criminal background checks for buying in IL?


I'm doing this from memory but I think the law states a 72hr wait period and pass a criminal background check.

Has anyone had to wait longer than 3 business days while the criminal background check came back?
The background check is done while you are at the counter. You have to come back three days later to pick up your gun.

If I'm not mistaken all the FFLs in Illinois just do the NICS/FBI check. I don' think there is a separate check they do specifically for Illinois.
The check is the standard NCIS check. And I've never had to wait longer than the 24 or 72 hours. Now have purchased 6 guns.
I guess I was a little nervous that I had to call ahead or something to ensure that my background check had come back - but I didn't. I paid late Tuesday night for a pistol, LGD said I'd have to come back on Saturday - so I'm assuming the wait & check started Wednesday morning. Wednesday, Thursday and Friday constitute 3 days and I picked it up on Saturday.

If you pay for a weapon on a Friday night... does the background check not get started until next Monday morning?

And if you paid for a weapon on a Friday night - would you be able to pivk it up on the following Monday night? Or would you have to wait until the following Tuesday morning?
The background checks don't usually take more than a few minutes, my last one was done in 15 minutes, and I think most of that was the clerk running his yap at the new girl they hired. The rest is your state's "waiting/cool-off" period. My state doesn't have such a period, so I paid and walked out with the handgun.

Edit: In defense of the clerk, she was REALLY cute.
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I had a few delays a few years ago, in KY. It seems someone had been using my SSN. I got it cleared up when I got my CCW permit.
In Wisconsin, you have to wait 48 hrs. to pick up a handgun after purchase even though you already passed the background check.

Strangely, you can still bring home a rifle, including those "evil black assault rifle ones", the same day you buy it, as long as you pass the background check.

Go figure ... :confused:
The thing about having a useless patch work of firearms laws that don't make sense - like being able to purchase a rifle immediately but having to wait for a handgun, is that even when those more restrictive laws are proven to not have accomplished anything and they don't make sense - they stay on the books.

I think the prevailing thinking of politicians is "well if it's not hurtng anything let's just leave it".

The stuff begins to build up like gunk in the drainage trap of your sink, or like cholestrol in someone's arteries.
My guess would be they didn't bother to call it in until the next morning, and just lumped the background check in with the 72hr wait time. Not sure if the people/system they call is a 24hr line or not.

On a side note, as a fellow navigator of IL gun law, what was the turn around time on your CFP if you needed one? Just got my FOID, now on to the CFP class!