Anyone know the nitty-gritty on where we can discharge a shotgun legally??

My gun club is indoors and doesn't allow it.

Go get me my gun, it's the one that says "Bad MOTHERF****R"
Well, Tec-9, if you are one of the ghetto blaster types, you may not be welcome at a gun club. Shotgun clubs cater to trap and skeet shooters, not "Street Sweepers". With a sign-on of "Tec-9" you don't make a good first impression with law-abiding, trap and skeet shooting sportsmen and hunters. Maybe you got on the wrong board by accident. Who knows? Regards, Mikey.

[This message has been edited by TheOtherMikey (edited December 27, 1999).]
I really dont think that his logon has anything to do with this topic. The shotgun was built for more than Skeet and Trap shooting. The area is for shotgunning ? of all types. The key to the entire shooting sports game is Safety FIRST. I think as long as people I dont care if they are shooting a 50 cal. Some shooters think just because they shoot one gun everyone who shoots other types are bad people thats what causes dumb gun laws!!!!!Wow I feel much better......
ask a farmer to shoot whatever is in season,
or ask if ya can shoot some clay targets,
most farmers have land they'll let ya shoot on.16 feet off road and this works well in tight corners on gravel roads in Iowa, acre of land in a corner that is legal to shoot in
all state parks have shooting areas even during non hunting days, local DNR will give you info that is legal, :)
TheOtherMikey. Why? What's wrong with tec-9? Does it sound mean to you, maybe i'm a punk, maybe i'm someones Grandfather and i'm 80 years old. No, I can read and i'm in the right board. Is there something in my query that sounds like it doesn't belong? Didn't think so. THanks for answering it anyway.

Thanks Murray and Zot.

Go get me my gun, it's the one that says "Bad MOTHERF****R"
Guys, relax. He's expressing an interest in staying WITHIN the law, at the least.

I too live in MA. Whereabouts are you? (roughly)

You can discharge pretty much anywhere that
is not within 500 feet of a residential area
(or school!!)

In other words, if you or a friend own a large empty field or woods, that should be fine. I would recomend checking with the local police for more specific regs, and to make sure that they won't show up thinking that there is a gunfight going on.
Same deal with those who live in the immediate area.

Come on guys, why are you so hard on the guy? He asked a simple question and you are all over him.

Tec, I think in Mass youcan discharge anywhere as long as it is 500ft. away from a dwelling and 150ft. away from an interstate or state hghwy. I got a buddy that travels to Mass for his winter home. Go figure.

Good luck
Wow- tough crowd.
I would try another club, you could find one on the site. Another thing to do is try gravel/sand or stump dumps. Often times they allow shooting when they are closed.
Someone's PO'd.

Tec, I found out what jnsn found out. Try sand dumps or fields.

"Glocks come in one size, phat"