Anyone familiar with this place?


New member
Had a rude surprise the other day while trying to contact the South Dakota farmer whos place we hunted pheasants on the last couple of years. The old gentleman passed on!!

As Louann is dead set on chasing birds again this fall I've been looking about the web for a new place. Found this guy...

Anybody have any experence with him? Or know someone who has?

And yes I called his references. Thay said nice things. But who'd give out references of people who had bad hunts?
Not familiar with that particular one, but there are literally hundreds of pheasant hunting outfitters in SD. You can find some others here.
But who'd give out references of people who had bad hunts?

A lot harder to figure out for birds, but for big game, I always want to talk to people who didn't fill thier tag. If someone is happy with the outfitter, but wasn't successful, I think it says a lot about the outfitter.

The one time I did not check references for a spur of the moment hog hunt, I was extremely disappointed. A couple of reference checks just to determine how much land was actually hunted would have saved me the trip.