Anyone familiar with MA law?


I've been negligent about keeping up with the stinking gun laws in MA.

I have an old FID card that I hear is no longer valid, and I'll need to get a new one. Should I expect any problems with this?

I had a permit to carry (non-concealed) that expired in '93, and I've since moved to a new town. I have one handgun but obviously it is now illegal for me to even transport this firearm anywhere. What kind of problems should I expect in trying to get a new license to carry?

Thanks for the help!
You will go to jail forever.

Just kidding. You need to first call GOAL to get an accurate answer. They can help you with any legal questions. Pus there site has detail info about state firearm laws.

You will have to apply for the license at your local police station. Also you have to show them a certificate stating you took a firearm safety course. If you don't have one then you will have to find a course in your area, the police should be able to direct you to a class. Other than that if you don't have a criminal record, or live in a town where the chief rarely gives out licenses than you should be fine. I would not tell the Police you have firearms in your house with out having a License. Even though it is not illegal they can confiscate them. FYI: you only need one license. Get the LTC since that is the only license that allows one to own handguns.
Owning a firearm, even in your own home, requires a current FID. Violations result in a prison term of at least a year and (AFAIK) up to five years. Owning ammunition without an FID likewise is worth up to two and a half years on its own.

Getting an FID requires you fill out a form from your local police office, take a certified firearms indoctrina... I mean 'safety'... course, provide fingerprints and a passport-size photograph, and pay a 'small' fee (100 bucks). Your local police department may want letters of recommendation or further paperwork for FID-A or LTCs.

In theory, an FID must be either presented or denied within 30 days of the prospective firearm owner's filing, but in practice it can take much longer than that, and there's no real chance of legal work against a delay doing anything useful.

In the short term, find a place outside of the People's Republic of Taxachusetts to store your guns. Either friends out of state, or renting a storage area, whatever it may be. Start the work on an FID card.

In the long term, get the hell out, while they'll still let you.
AFAIK, they MUST issue the LTC-A (providing you pass the criminal background check, blah balh), its just a 'may' issue on CCW.

edit: and there is no FID-A or B, now its just simple FID for low cap longarms, LTC-B for those and low cap pistols, and LTC-A for all hi-cap firearms.
Note to self.

Stay the Hell out of Massachusetts.

That whole FID thing sounds a little like Illinois (although they called it a FOID), and I just escaped there three years ago. IIRC, you only needed a FOID to buy a gun, not to own one. And I don't recall any FOID requirements for buying ammo, let alone owning it. Of course, they've probably seen to that "loophole" by now. :mad:

Hmmm...Kennedy, Kerry, Obama, Durbin...nah, must be a coincidence :rolleyes:.
I escarpered the place a good couple years ago, so the law may have changed a bit since then. From what I understand, though, the only thing that's really 'shall' issue is the FID itself, and even there it can be limited to only mace and pepper spray.

Stay the Hell out of Massachusetts.

Quoted for friggen truth. They banned studded arm bands.