It is interesting the things anti's get worked up about. They will put a sticker like that on their car never even thinking that the chances of them and their children's chances of dying inside of that car are many, many times higher than of dying in a gun accident.
The anti civil rights people (gun-****rol) people that I have met are suffering from arrested development. They have never progressed beyond the ability to let their emotions control their actions and lives. They are stuck at the emotional level of a teenager and probably always will be. Their sense of reality is rooted in a warped utopian idealism that at best will never happen. Their belief in being able to "talk it out" shows a complete misunderstanding of human nature.
I don't waste anymore time with them than I do with animal rights activists. I have better things to do with my time than waste it on what is essentailly an over grown teenager that refuses to deal with reality and take responsiblity for their life.
Sorry for the "rant" y'all.