Anyone ever had a pistol nickel plated???


New member
I've got a Ruger Mark III hunter that I really like the looks of. I've got it shined up real nice but man it would be sweet in Nickel! How much would it cost to have it nickel plated?? Anyone ever had it done and if so how did it turn out?
A note of caution on nickel (or any other metal) plating. Plating adds to the original metal. I doubt that would make much difference to that Ruger, but it can mean that revolver sideplates no longer fit, or that auto pistol slides won't go on the frame until the plating is removed from the rails.

As to a plater, I would just Google "guns nickel plating" and contact some of the names that turn up. Since Ruger does not (AFAIK) make any nickel plated guns, I doubt calling them would help, but they may know of someone.

+1 on polishing.

I have a Smith & Wesson 67 that someone tried to 'rub out' a scratch mark using a Scotch Brite pad. It was really fugly when I found it. A couple of hours polishing the gun up and now most folks think it's a nickel gun.

I used Mother's Mag & Aluminum polish to shine up the gun. Then made a pass using Flitz polishing creme (small tube) to bring parts of the gun to a mirror shine. This is not only cheaper than nickel plating, but it won't chip eitehr. ;) Plus, if it gets dull or lightly scratched you can usually polish it back up again.
If the gun is stainless, it can be polished to a mirror finish. If the gun is carbon (blued) it can be plated. There is no real advantage to hard chroming stainless.
2 good sources for nickel work...

I've had 2 Beretta 96D .40 pistols plated by Robar Guns, . They used the great NP3. It's a non glare mix of nickel & Teflon. The newer NP3+ is not cheap but worth the $$$ if you plan to carry the pistol often under hard use conditions.
Another top shop is . They were in the Tampa Bay FL area and moved to AL about 3/4 years ago to a new location with new equipment. Accurate Plating & Weaponry has been known for years as a great source of bright or dull/non glare plate work in nickel, black oxide, Cerakote-NIC. They may take a few weeks or months to do any custom work.

The website lists all current prices/details.
I can't speak to maintaining nickle plating, as I haven't done it, but I will say that nickle looks different than polished chrome or stainless, and looks better, IMO. Nickle is just like silver - it has a subtle warm (yellow) tone to it that looks real purdy. By contrast, chrome has a slight blue tone to it.
+1 on polishing stainless. If you don't want to do it yourself there's shops out there that will do it for you, comes out looking like nickel.

This stainless Colt had a matte finish and was polished by it's owner using Mother's Mag Polish-

I used some Eagle One wheel polish called never-dull. They are little cotton swabs in a tin can. Turned out real nice.
Firearm function, cycle, nickel-coating pistols...

I'd add to the concerns about plate work or coating & the function/firing of weapons, go to the main Robar site. They explain in detail how the process works. In short, these chemicals-moleuclues bond deep into the surface of the metal parts. They protect/lube these components but are not so thick that they would bind or cause problems.
Robar makes a point of explaining how nickel, NP3+, black oxide etc must be properly applied by trained professionals. The company also plates or coats other metal surfaces/parts/machines for industrial, marine and defense contractor uses. ;)
you may want to find out if your sweat eats through nickel plate like mine. :(

An the nickle on the sear left my gun non-functional until it was ground off the internal part.
Here are a couple pictures of my Ruger. The pics don't really do it justice.



Here is the stuff I used to polish it. If I spent more time with it I think I could get an even better shine to it.
