Anyone ever get turned down on an instant background check, and appeal it?


New member
I got turned down 3 months ago, and sent in the doccumentation showing they were wrong, and they wrote me a letter stating that there was no time limit on the appeal, and just sit tight. anyone here know if that's the truth, or if there is another avenue to use to straighten this out?
Yes I was turned down by NICS in April for a firearm purchase. The dealer gave me a pamplet called Guide For Appealing A Firearm Transfer Denial with the NTN# with the NTN# written in by the dealer at the bottom of the pamplet. I skiped the first step because I new the reason for the denial and went to the second step which was reason for denial. I sent them a letter stating that I could legally own firearms with copies of the documentation to prove it. It took 3 weeks to receive the approval to transfer the firearm to me. If your appeal is approved NICS will send you a letter stating that after further review that you are eligible to own a firearm and to take the letter to the FFL and he will transfer the firearm to you.If your appeal is approved make several copies of it to keep just in case you have any trouble with future firearm purchases.Hope this info helps.
Yup, before the NICS. Was just the instant check in CO. Was attempting to buy a Contender frame - no bbl even.

Had an out of control daughter (she's much better now - whew!) & she had told folks at school that I had beat her, teach does the cop call & I got cited. Whole thing thrown out of court & records sealed. Still denied because of a charge & this was before the stinking Laughtenburg BS.

There was an automatic letter from CBI which walked one through the appeal process. Took 6 friggin' weeks & I'm still PO'd.

But hey, I finally made the record books & our illustrious CIC talks about me all the time. You see, I'm one of those 10gazillion felons who couldn't buy a gun 'cause of Brady.