Anyone ever get a squib from Sellier & Bellot 9mm?


New member
A friend was at the range this weekend shooting his Beretta Border Marshal. While shooting a box of S&B 9mm that he purchased at the range, he got a squib load that left the bullet in the barrel. Luckily, he knew something felt wrong and didn't try to chamber another round.

My question is, has anyone else had a squib from S&B ammo? Is S&B considered high quality ammo, or just average?

I've shot thousands of rounds of S&B in .380, 9mm, .40., .45, 6.5x55, .303Brit, and 12ga. Never had a squib load. It isn't the cleanest stuff around, but it sure beats UMC. I've had a lot more problems with UMC, PMC, and Speer (yes, even Speer) than S&B. YMMV.

i use s&b almost exclusively. i have found it utterly reliable and consistant, a little dirty though. i suppose a sqib is possible from any manufacturer.
No, but i got one from Winchester white box, did no even fire it cause I saw it was seated way too low! Hey these things happen.
I've also shot thousands of rounds of S&B 9mm (and 1000+ .45 acp) without the first problem.

With Blazer, on the other hand (the range ammo where I shoot), I once had 5 squibbs in one case...
I shot cases and cases of the stuff in my MP5s and have to say that I have never had a squib load to date.
I've got about 5000 rounds of S&B through my USP's with only one dud that did not fire when the promer was struck. Other than that S&B has been flawless.

One out of 5000 isn't too shabby. :)

What's a squib?

an improperly loaded cartridge, live primer, no powder, usually just enough to shove the bullet halfway down the barrel, if you are lucky it will cause a fail to feed on the next round or you'll notice the lack of recoil before you try to fire the next round with a plugged barrel
Incursion - a squib is where the primer ignited but failed to ignite the powder (or there was no powder in the case to ignite). The primer is usually strong enough to push the bullet a little way into the barrel. If you fire a second round with a bullet lodged in the barrel - well you can guess what might happen.

[added - AndABeer and I posted at essentially the same time.]
squibs in S&B 9 mm ammo

I have had two in one box. Both had same cause; flash hole not drilled. Primer backed out of case and when bullets were pulled, powder not ignited. When examined from inside of case, no flash hole. Surprise!!!

Never had a problem with any of the S&B that I have shot, but I ran across a PMP 9mm the last time I was at the range with the primer in sideways! installed with sufficient force to make it lay flat, too. I learned that it is important to examine the rounds as you load the mag ... that or load your own. I'm thinking both! I'll start to examine my own loads if it is important.
Good Stuff

Of the 4000 or so rounds through my Ruger P89 (9mm) about half have been Sellier & Beloit. No squibs among them (or the other brands shot). I'll continue buying them!
Never had a squid with S&B nine, many thousands of rounds. Never had a squid in 45 years of shooting, knock-on -wood, will probably have one the next time shooting. Probably happens with all manufacturers. More likely to have a primer that doesn't pop on first try, ran into that with a particular lot of Fiocchi nine.
Yes! I had one in .40 and it scared the S**t out of me. I was ready to fire a second round when I realized the last round did not feel right.
About a year ago I purchased a case of 1500 rounds S&B 9mm. Generally I was very happy with the purchase and the price. I was also pleased that this ammunition was reloadable. However, I did have one box in that case that had 3 squib loads. :( They were not so severe that bullets were left lodged in the barrel, but they were insufficient to cycle the action. I haven't had that problem since. I do restrict my use of these rounds to practice only. Hope this helps.
In defense of S&B......

I have witnessed squibs or failures from virtually every manufacturer (except my own, Pro Load, Bull-X, Georgia Arms, and Triton), including duty ammo from the very best.

Does SNAFU and FUBAR mean anything? How about "New York reload"?.......