Anyone else see this? AR Pistol brace

This is what I call a solution for a problem that never existed. If you want to shoot rifle like a pistol, get a pistol.

ATF approved... but the design screams "use me like a really short stock"... which I am sure is by design, even if not stated or demonstrated as such.

I'm assuming it's illegal to put a buttstock on these AR pistols? If that's the case it is a pretty cool loophole because you can fit a recoil pad on their and essentially use it as a buttstock. Even so I cant see any situation where I would need an AR pistol, I would rather have a full size rifle slung on my shoulder and my sidearm on my hip.
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It is illegal to put a buttstock on a pistol... makes it an SBR... This seems like a way to get an SBR without the paperwork.

Putting a buttpad on it would make it illegal I would think, so you need to use this as is.

The thing is, you can use a carbine sized tube on a pistol, so long as you wrap it or otherwise make it so you can not quickly put on a stock.

Combine this with a carbine tube and have at it I guess.
For someone like me who can't use a rifle (and please, no more discussions about that, it's been covered), this seems pretty cool. I wonder what the recoil would be like; if it's not too bad and the brace makes it accurate, I think I would like that. I wonder how it would do in a close encounter with a hog.
For me it just seems like this would be stiff enough if left like in the picture, the strap wrapped around the stock... that you could shoulder it like a rifle.
This is what I call a solution for a problem that never existed. If you want to shoot rifle like a pistol, get a pistol.

Then the problem isn't with the new attachment, but with the pistol itself. Like it or not, AR pistols are around and there are lots of them now. So this is a nifty improvement, though I think it has some real limitations.

I'm assuming it's illegal to put a buttstock on these AR pistols?

Right, you would end up with a short barreled rifle if you did that and that requires paperwork and a tax stamp.


Seems like a nifty range accessory, but unlike the picture of the guy in the stand, I don't see myself hunting with a gun semi-permanently attached to my arm for several hours and I don't see me putting it on and taking it off multiple times because of the Velcro. Velcro can be pretty noisy.
I had a friend that thought of putting a 'wrist rocket' type of support on his handgun. I wonder if that would be legal?

I don't think I understand the attraction. Why would you want a strap that keeps a gun tied to your arm?

Now you have a gun that's not a very good carbine strapped to your arm. Or alternately you have a oversized clumsy pistol strapped to your arm.

What happens when you need to pick your nose?

Maybe a range toy.

alternately you have a oversized clumsy pistol strapped to your arm.


That's what my friend with the wrist rocket brace was going for...a range toy, the idea was that it might steady the gun and dampen some muzzle flip.

It seemed like it would be incredibly easy to do but I didn't think it was legal, now I guess I was wrong about that.
but the design screams "use me like a really short stock"...
The buffer tube already provides this capability.
What Mobuck said seems right. You already have a "really short stock" with the buffer tube. Not too comfortable for long strings of fire at the range but it'll do in a pinch. Also likely more comfortable than the strap gizmo with the velcro strap flapping and the baby powder held to your shoulder.

As a range toy it's, well... if you want one it could be fun. You could act as a space monster or robot with a gun instead of a hand at the end of your arm.

Strap it to your foot like Rose McGowan had in "Planet Terror" and see how that goes.

Make sure you have some talc powder.

Well... it looks like the plastic would be stiff enough with the added support of the strap wrapped around it to serve like a stock and be more comfortable than a bare tube.

Just looking at the pic of it sitting there without it attached to someones arm... it sort of looks like a stock.
Seems to me if you have an AR pistol or want one this could be something to try. They are not expensive so why not figure out if they are more than just a fun gizmo. If they are just something for range fun well that's fine too.

I've seen something similar to this for Glocks.
