Anyone else had problems with Hornandy Zombie Max Shells


New member
Yeah, I know go ahead and call me a dumb-dumb for even wasting my money on these, although the artwork is pretty cool on the box.

Anyways, here is the deal. With any new style of shells I am considering loading in my Weatherby pump for home defense, I always take the gun outside and cycle the shells through a few times, just to be sure that everything cycles properly.

These didn't, the gun would try to feed two and three at a time, never had this issue before with any shotgun shells, like to have never got the shells out, took a lot of prying and cussing. Glad I found this out beforehand and not when something went bump in the night.

Don't know if they are slightly smaller in diameter, or shorter, but something ain't right. Tried Remington, Federal, and S&B shells of 2-3/4" and 3" varieties, no problems whatsoever.

So, if anyone wants to buy a box of Zombie killers cheap, PM me.
I've been out 4 times with mine and haven't seen a single zombie. Several rampaging bears, 2 giant alien spiders, but no zombies. I'm very disappointed.
It's all marketing hype as far as I'm concerned. The darned things don't work any better on zombies than regular Walmart buckshot. Undead is undead, there's no point in paying extra for the colorful box. :rolleyes:

Look. I'm tired of people discriminating against Zombies. So they like to eat people. So what? They're not the first to do that! Zombies are people too. They deserve a free education, healthcare and other benefits just like any other american.

Just be careful around them. You have to do that around some other people too. So they don't dress very well, and have a funny way of walking, and don't like being dead. That's no need to discriminate against them.

I'm tired of it......giv'em a chance.....not buckshot or slugs.
I usually see a lot of Zombies when in deer camp. They seem to come out in the mornings, always a lot of empty beer cans and bottles around. They might be attracted the aluminum or the smell of stale beer...not sure. I have not had the need to dispatch them, they are usually slow and may grouse a bit, but I have not been bitten yet. I'm amazed they allow me to be in their vicinity without danger, although I am usually moving slow in the morning too. It seems they have some reaction to coffee and greasy breakfast food...they are usually gone shortly after that.

On point...I could use them "just in case" the above anti-zombie actions do not work. If you are still in possession and wish to get rid of them...let me know.

With the election on the horizon anyone want to bet on the number of undead voters in some districts?

rsqvet-----:D:D:D. I had to laugh on that one. How true,how true
Anybody wanna buy a zombie for target practice? lol

I've seen those and have been tempted to buy them but unless they can put together an actual survey using "live" zombies I refuse to buy them.