Anyone Else Get an Itarget?


New member
Well the fiancee got exactly what I asked for this year. Funny, I got her dad one too. I've only used it twice so far but I'm having a lot of fun. Anyone else have one/have experience with one?

Here's the link(I am in no way affiliated with the company)
It has been excellent so far. Obviously doesn't account for recoil management but it will be great for target acquisition and trigger cobtrol. My only gripe so far is you have to be careful with the lighting in the room. If a bright light is reflecting on the target it thinks its the laser shooting the target. Other than that everything is positive so far.
I have one I've been using for a few months now and I like it.

Though I do find my self dry firing just using the laser snap caps more then the phone set up.

I really like the 223 snap cap, great for my off hand dry firing.

I teach a firearms CCW/SD class and have deministrated the I Target system to the class. They love it. I should get a commission because several of them ordered it after playing with mine.
Just got one, lots of fun,I was telling my coworkers about it the other night at work. I pulled the app up on my phone, set up a clip board behind it, and tried the digital laser thermometer. For those unfamiliar, its a hand held device that we use to check temps on motors, pumps from a distance so we don't have to set up a ladder to get close and check for excessive heat. You just point it, press the switch/trigger and put the laser beam on the area you want to check.
Anyway, it worked the same as the laser bullets you buy with the unit. Very cool. I was surprised though, that it did not work with my S.E.R.T. training pistol. Different type of laser beam I guess.
Thumbs up from me, good fun and a great training tool. I teach a few CCW classes and plan to use it in the classroom for new shooters. :)