Anyone Else "Done" with rim fire rifles?

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Dave P

New member
Whats the point of wimpy 22LR rifles??

OK, so maybe you can shoot a nice group at 50 yards. But can you get that buck on your dinner table with it?? Not very often, I bet.

30 caliber rifles are the way to go for dinner and for long range. Who can argue with that??:D

This is too funny....but....I get the humor....I agree..a 30cal will get the job done...but is somewhat over kill...for squirrels/turkeys..and such...
The .22 is actually more powerful since it bounces around in someone's head and scrambles their brains up.

The .30-06 or similar just poke a neat hole since they don't transfer energy well and overpenetrate. They can't dump their energy in the target as well.

The reason they use .30 cals is because of the longer range. They use .50 cals to vaporize a limb without the bullet even having to hit the target, the sonic boom from the .50 bullet has an area effect and can kill several people in a group.
Yeah, who would possibly want to plink, shoot tight little groups, or go small game hunting? Big waste of time if you ask me.

I can't believe there is still a rimfire shortage.

If anything, I'm done with rimfire until I can reliably find it at a reasonable price.
we have a small group of shooters at the range who shoot .22 rifles at 1-2 and 3 hundred yards and standard clay birds are their normal targets. their rifles run from light hunting to heavy match rifles, if the wind is not blowing to much the clay birds get broken pretty regularly. it is good cheap pratice. walmart just had win m-22 for about 50.00 for 1000 rounds along with other makes at similer prices. eastbank.

Kinda silly statements in the OP. For many - maybe even most - shooters owning and using firearms is about more than hunting. I can hunt deer with a rifle for a couple of weeks a year. The other 50 I am at the range....often with that wimpy .22.

Dave P said:
Whats the point of wimpy 22LR rifles??

OK, so maybe you can shoot a nice group at 50 yards. But can you get that buck on your dinner table with it?? Not very often, I bet.

30 caliber rifles are the way to go for dinner and for long range. Who can argue with that??

I'm with you! I'm definitely done with rifles that don't crush my clavicle, make my ear drums ring, concuss my sinuses and cost less than $0.15 a shot. There's certainly no point to a rifle that isn't a REAL rifle... :p

Oh, and you're dead wrong on the .30-caliber for long range sir, the 6.5s are THE way to go in that game these days. :cool:
Pacific Standard Dec 2014, Confident Idiots – David Dunning

As the humorist Josh Billing once put it, “It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble, its what you know for sure that just ain’t so.”

In many cases, incompetence does not leave people disoriented, perplexed, or cautious. Instead, the incompetent are often blessed with an inappropriate confidence, buoyed by something that feels to them like knowledge.

Some of the Nation's best shooters shoot Small Bore prone precisely because it is difficult and it requires absolute perfection in position, sight alignment, and trigger pull to be good in the game. Though the 22 LR does not have much recoil or a nasty bang, those "faults" are in fact virtues. The first is that rimfire bullets are very wind sensitive so you have to really pay attention to wind conditions. Then, the lack of noise and recoil reveal position, sight alignment, and trigger pull errors that are masked by the noise and recoil of a centerfire rifle.

I have met many of the Nation's best Long Range shooters at Regional and at the SmallBore National Matches. They are not there because it is easy, nor are they shooting the game because it has no relevance to centerfire. They shoot because it is difficult and the game improves their centerfire performance.

I am also not "Done with Reloading"

Anyone Else "Done" With Reloading?
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