Anyone else confused by the CMP 1911 sales procedure?


New member
Seems different now than as I remember when first posted.
Now, you have to mail them the complete package, postmarked on the day they specify.

Orders will only be accepted post marked on the date or after, no early orders.
Once CMP receives 10,000 orders, customer names will be loaded into the Random Number Generator

Does that mean "only" 10,000 orders- and first come, first served?
Can't be.
They'd have 50,000 overnight FedEx envelopes on the same day.

What am I missing?
I believe they are accepting only the first 10k orders received and assigning those buyers a random number. Then a computer program will decide who gets which pistol. You won't get to pick the one you receive.
If that's the case, then they've got FedEx and UPS trucks pouring in with overnight "priority a.m. delivery" the next morning. It just doesn't make sense for them to CREATE this "Black Friday" atmosphere when it's not necessary and they said that's what they were trying to avoid...

They initially said it was going to be a lottery- not just for pick of grade, but eligibility to buy.
Why not open it open it up for a week- send in an email...

Simple enough for an automated program to capture all the email addresses, then place THOSE in a random lottery for 10,000.

Still makes no sense to me, I'm going to call them for clarification.
On 1911forum, a guy has been posting pics of pistols his PD has recently received from DoD, providing a glimpse into what type of pistols may/will be made available via CMP.

They are REALLY rough. CMP said they will spend time evaluating and grading pistols, and the pics may reflect the very roughest of what will be available, there seems to be a sense that the guns will be priced in the $1000 range, but the pictured guns, obviously a very small sample, are $500 guns.

They are so heavily sandblasted and parkerized that a lot of the markings are thinned so as to be unreadable.
One of the guns had the rear sight staked to the slide in four places, like the gas key on an AR.
How the guns are graded and priced will determine how many thousands of people will rush to order them.
RickB, any chance you could get some of those pics and post them here? I found the forum, but it won't allow me to ciew the pictures.
RickB, any chance you could get some of those pics and post them here? I found the forum, but it won't allow me to ciew the pictures
I haven't seen the photos referenced, but if they're anything like the 1911s I saw come back into service for testing in Afghanistan, they're garbage.
They're beaten, battered, worn out, mismatched, and rendered almost non-functional.

I wouldn't give $200 for one, and those issued were considered the best of what was still in inventory!..
It sounds like they expect the 10,000 (now 8,000 for some reason...) orders to take a number of days or weeks to reach that point. If they receive 8,000 orders postmarked on day 1 they will have to have some type of lottery system to pick which of the orders to accept. At least that is the way I read it.

I'm sure they will clarify the process in a couple of months once they are closer to actually selling them. I would expect sending in your packet on day one will be the best, if not only chance, to have a shot at then. According to the January 29th post you will have 90 days to get your packet in order.
The process seems clear enough, but; it did take some reading. I have a concern that no one else has raised.

I am not as worried about getting screwed on price like some of the cynics. Not all at. CMP (and DCM) set prices have always been fair. The auctions go high. Probably some of the disingenuous complainers who are on line trying to drive down the demand. Nice try. I expect no different on pricing fairness for these than prior firearms. I sure trust CMP more than some gun broker hustler.

We are limited to one pistol per year per person. Now I dont want two, but; but, I want a good clean example as much as possible. They are selling 100,000- maybe more. I say maybe because apparently a decision has been made to sell all the 1911 and not have any in storage anywhere. That is excepting, new pistols issued to special users, if there is such a thing. Ok, a large number of 1911's coming down the pike. If I jump at the best grade that remains when my number gets pulled within the first 8,000, that group could be something like the prior mentioned Afghanistan lot. I pay, get a so-so-ok gun and then whamoo! there are better guns offered. Same year, I am screwed. I am locked out. If, next year, I am paying twice! That is if I can even get one ahead of first time applicants.

I will add something else. I hear a lot of political veteran this and veteran that. They should give any veteran who want one a free 1911 - not to be resold. Or 1/2 price, head of the line. A real benefit. More than better bed sheets on the way out. Just my 2c, and I am not a vet. If out of line, I will delete.