Anyone else change their thinking post-Bruen?


New member
So, I have carried for years on a non-resident UT permit when in another state. However, here in MD, I don't belong to any of the special categories of people who could get permits (judges, cops, business owners, prosecutors primarily). So, I only carried part-time. Now, it is still theoretical as it will be another month or two before my application is processed, but thinking about carrying daily (or nearly daily, I can't carry to and from work since I'm a teacher), I'm finding my thinking is changing.

Like many, my thinking on what I can carry has changed a lot through the years, and I imagine it will do the same when I carry regularly. I used to carry a 1911, then I went small and DAO, then I went bigger (DAO and DA/SA), with an occasional smaller gun coming with me.

Now, I'm thinking of trying to merge the smaller and more comfortable carry with the larger and more capable gun. Instead of planning on carrying my CZ PCR and SIG P229 most of the time, with a snub or SIG P290 to take their place when I need something smaller, I've already placed an order for a SIG P365 to carry 90% of the time, and I haven't even started carrying yet. I'm thinking I may add a Glock 19 or S&W M&P 2.0 Compact for something PCR sized, but much lighter for when I want more. Or, maybe my 1st gen S&W M&P 40c will become my primary (at least when I don't tuck in my shirt) and I'll get a G26 or M&P 2.0 Subcompact to get a 9mm to compliment the M&P 40c.

Again, it is still just theoretical for me as I don't even have the permit yet, and thinking about carrying regularly has me thinking I may need to adjust my thinking from when it was just a few hours a month, or a few days at a time when on vacation. I'm also guessing I'll rethink this quite a bit over the next year or two and make further adjustments as I go. I also wonder how much of this is just a mental exercise to help me justify spending the money to buy more guns (I know some of it is).

So, how many of you, who like me, live in a state where pre-Bruen you couldn't get a permit, but carried regularly when out of state, are now rethinking years of carry choices now that regular carry is in sight?
I think that you should ask the issuing agency how many firearms you can list on your future permit. Here, we have to qualify with the particular guns and are limited to only three on our permit, if you can qualify with them.
We get four attempts total to qualify with the three firearms. Most only have one or two on their permits either by choice or they have a hard time qualifying in the shooting portion of the test.
My brother who qualifies yearly on his past LEO status can carry anything he wants after passing his test.

So all that makes a big difference on what one chooses for their EDC, CCW or whatever.
I'm not certain, but I think the number of states that list specific firearms on carry permits is extremely limited. I know New York does. HighValleyRanch didn't say what state he's in. I'm in a state that is generally regarded as basically unfriendly to firearms and the 2A, but my carry permit has no restrictions. I can carry any handgun I can legally possess.
Every time you step out your door you should be strapped. Pick a gun that is effective, reliable, shootable, concealable, and, should you ever be lawfully stopped and frisked, not make the cop laugh when he finds it on you. If you are not carrying to and from work because you park in a gun-free lot, park on a nearby street and stow your gun in a secured, portable safe, out of sight, while you are teaching.

You need to learn how to think like a free man and work around the remaining unlawful infringements the best you can.
I think that you should ask the issuing agency how many firearms you can list on your future permit. Here, we have to qualify with the particular guns and are limited to only three on our permit, if you can qualify with them.

MD doesn't have that restriction. MD permits are open or concealed, no gun restrictions, signs don't carry the weight of law, etc. Surprising until you realize that carry permits used to be nearly impossible to get (and they used to issue them with individualized restrictions such as "to and from work only" if you could otherwise qualify), so they weren't really on our lawmakers' radar. Now that the Supreme Court has forced MD to go shall-issue, it will be interesting to see how the laws change in October now that the permits are on the radar of our lawmakers (and hopefully the courts are on our side in the subsequent and inevitable lawsuits).

Anyway, DC does make you list your guns, which is why I probably won't bother getting a permit there (plus, any gun I'd bring into DC would also have to be registered with DC). You can easily end up crossing jurisdictions multiple times without thinking about it when driving in Northern VA or parts of MD near DC. The main purpose would be to cover myself should that happen, but I'm not in parts of MD that near DC often, and it is easy enough to avoid in NOVA due to the Potomac River, and if I'm only covered with some of my guns and half the time it wouldn't matter anyway, it is no longer worth the cost and hassle (I'll just avoid carrying when that close to DC).

If you are not carrying to and from work because you park in a gun-free lot, park on a nearby street and stow your gun in a secured, portable safe, out of sight, while you are teaching.

That would be against MD storage and transport laws. The only exception to guns can only be in the car to and from the FFL, gunsmith or range is when you are actively carrying it. Stop somewhere and lock it up, and you can be arrested and lose your gun rights (sure, the main way they'd find out is if it was stolen, but people breaking into cars to see if you have anything worth stealing is relatively common in most of central Maryland).