Anyone currently in the Army?

The daughter of a friend is enlisting in the Army. More accurately, she has enlisted, and will report for Basic Combat Training in July. Trying to get her a bit of a leg up on what to expect, but my BCT was 52 years ago, and I'm certain it's not the same now as it was then.

What weapon do they train with in BCT these days, M16 or M4? A2 open (peep) sights, or optics? If they use optics in BCT, what do they use, ACOG?
Remind her that it's all a game designed to break recruits from individuality, so they can be built back up as a team player.
Play the game by their rules, and it's smooth sailing.
In the grand scheme of things, it's all over in the blink of an eye.
I'm still in the Army with 27 years so far total time, active duty years ago but currently reservist with two deployments--------doesn't mean jack to most people anymore. But, a few years ago I helped a school friend of my daughter going into basic training, never fired a weapon in her life. We went to my local range "private" and I went thru the fundamentals with my A4 configured rifle, with iron sights. Set up a course of fire with wooden cutouts and the actual course of fire for qual on paper, she learned alot and did well in basic where they taught her more with optics. The training will cover iron and optics/acog, the type of training may vary amongst training posts but yet the same.
Remind her that it is a head game, and mistakes that we all made and pay for by running in place or doing pushups and pull-ups is just a way of incorporating physical training and conditioning throughout the extend of her boot camp not necessarily punishment. Everything is stress oriented because if they can not keep it together in bootcamp they definitely won't keep it together in a real life time war scenario.
Basic Combat Training is just what they call Basic training now. Rule of the game is to keep your mouth shut and do what they tell you. They're not looking for leaders or marksmen in Basic. They want to know if you can follow orders and are fit enough to play.
Oh and tell her rappelling is kind of boring once you realize the rope(usually #11 nylon that'll hold over 3000 kg.) stretches a bit. Otherwise, there's nothing about it that's scary.
After Basic you went into AIT , that's in 1966 . The infantry is much different now , more fine tuned better equipment , we used starlight scopes , now night vision. Different ball game , aid stations much better . My advice would be , just go with the flow , your in good hands. My Son has been in for 14 years , two deployments . Loves it . Also has a Federal Job so he's double dipping . When he retires he'll be in good shape . God Bless America .

Pay attention and learn, realize that all the rest is mental games.

Been out a while, for sure, details change but the basic format doesn’t really .
Folks, I've already discussed with her all the points you've raised, and many more. That said, this thread was initiated because her father asked me specifically about what rifle and what sights (open or optics) she would encounter. I appreciate your intent with the other unsolicited comments but, please ... can we just fly the mission? What I need to find out is what weapon(s) she will encounter in BCT, and whether or not she'll see an optical sight, such as an ACOG, in BCT.
I never served so I cannot provide any direct input. But the M16A2 was replaced over 20 years ago. Maybe they are still using them in training since the controls are basically the same.

Based on what I'm seeing front line combat units no longer use iron sights at all. But rear area soldiers don't get the newest and best rifles. And a female soldier won't be in a front line combat unit. They may still be training with those old rifles and issuing them to rear area soldiers. I don't know either.

Keeping an eye on this one because I'm curious as well.
In all likely hood, she will shoot a worn out M-4 with a CCO on it. That is a non magnified red dot.

The last three cycles at Ft Jackson that I know of all had the recruits shoot for score with them.

For drill and what not, it will probably be an M-16A2, but that varies a little bit