anyone carry.......


New member
Hey guys i purchased one of these about 2 years ago, mainly cause i thought they were neat, and i knew alot of LEO who let me see theirs, its a 16in ASP electroless baton, its 6in closed and 16.5 in open i believe, just curious if anyone has or does carry one as a civ, cause i keep mine with me all the time, its a heck of a deterrent. One other thing, could anyone LEO or other comment on the legality of using such a weapon in self defense in colorado, or anywhere for that matter.

heres a link to there website, or just google ASP batons
I have an ASP baton from back around '94 or so. I just had to get one after I saw In The Line Of Fire 'cause I thought it looked really cool.

I usually keep mine in the center console box of my car, along with a can of pepper spray, in case I run into trouble with someone that really doesn't warrant shooting them.

I carry a 26" standard baton here in FL .i am a civ ,i also carry a
sa-xd-40 ,carry a crkt m16-14z am comfortablewith all,some people
don t need to be shot.but most of them do

remember the only easy day was yesterday hooyaa
UDT12 ,ST1 78-84
I had one but I sold it.
I liked it but it rattled when I carried it.
Then I got a stun gun.
I would like a stun baton.
thanks guys, does anyone know if there legal to carry/use in a situation, hoping some police could comment on this one.

Illegal in TX for a civilian. Bopping somebody with one may be considered lethal force so you better know your stuff in your state before hitting someone in the head.

OC is better - sigh, except for those who are autodidactic on the subject.
I have one and also a PR-24. They are very neat and superb for that vast grey area between words and lethal force.

The word is with such weapons, no head shots (pun). Focus it on knees, elbows, collarbones.
I carry one under the armrest in my truck. they are technically illegal where i live. I have had le see it a couple times and none had a problem with it. although i am a respectable member of society. it all depends on where you live and how you act.
also yes they are mainly for stopping threats, not hammering someone in the head with it. i.e. wrist, knees, maybe ribs:D
and sure would look better in court if you only stopped the threat with a strike to the wrist of a BG, instead of emptying your gun into them.
on the other hand if you kill someone with it im sure they will throw the book at you.
Bopping somebody with one may be considered lethal force so you better know your stuff in your state before hitting someone in the head.
And indeed it is. There is the true ASP, and there's a bunch of counterfeits out there. The true ASP won't "rattle" without one hell of a lot of abuse. An ASP is like gun in that it takes training to use properly. We go through intense training every year, and every year, the day after, I feel like I've been beat up by the Dallas Cowboys. ASP makes 2'x2' thick foam shields for training, and you train, full impact, against multiple attackers. I don't know if there are any certified instructors out there for non-LE or not. I do think that the PR-24 is better as a defensive weapon though, while the ASP is better as an offensive one.
I carry a 26" ASP sometimes, I bought it when I was working security. I had a thread going awhile ago where a couple individuals were advising me that if I used it, it would be considered a lethal weapon (agreed), and that the prosecutor would feel that I was carring with intent to cause harm. Personally, I'd just check your state and local laws, and Don't Do Dumb Things with it, like brandish it at people. Now, as far as training goes, I don't know if there are any strictly civilian trainers, but it is not LEO exclusive. When I was in security, My supervisor, the owner of the company, and the owners daughter were all ASP instructors.