Anyone care to chime in on this?

Let someone else do it....I'm really not into whips and chains. :)

"Lead, follow or get the HELL out of the way."
Reading that board reminded me of something.

Greg Hamilton, chief instructor at Insights Training Center, keeps each and every magazine he owns loaded to full (full to him means -10%) capacity. His reasoning is that an unloaded magazine (much like an unloaded gun) is virtually useless.

My defensive guns are all kept loaded (usually in cruiser ready) -- and secured by either an R&D Enterprises quick-access Handgun Box (handguns) or a trigger lock (long arms). That is, besides the one that is constantly on my person.

Perhaps the maxim that "store your guns unloaded with ammo in a separate location" should be obsolete, yes?


Justin T. Huang, Esq.
late of Kennett Square, Pennsylvania

See comment from POET. I guess that there is a large difference between "a responsible gun owner" as described in the instructions she took/had, and "a sensible, realistic gun owner", based on practical experience, in the real world.

It's your gun, it should be LOADED AND UNDER YOUR CONTROL. A gun, unloaded and locked up separate from it's ammunition is virtually useless. It likely isn't heavy enough to make a proper paper weight.