Anyone actually Like S&W autos??

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Rob Pincus

New member
I hardly see the third generation Smiths discussed anymore. Have people decided that I was right all along and they are clunky, awkward, not-fun (albeit relatively reliable and accurate) firearms??

Now, in case some of my friends at Smith see one of those banners and pop on in here, let me say that I do LOVE the S&W Model 41. I use them in competition and they are great little .22s. I still enjoy my M29 and the M19 is my favorite of the plethora of .357 magnum snubbies out there. Of course, the wife still carries her 642. Smiths are Great...except for those 3rd Gen things...

We have one in the house, a true Performance Center Shorty Forty MkIIIs (ser#PCW00089). these are the guns that the new 4013TSW's are based on. It is a good shooter, but I still don't find it incredibly ergonomic and I hate magazine safeties!

What do you guys think?
I didn't know S&W made anything but revolvers.

Seriously, I don't care for slide mounted safeties, I don't care for magazine safeties, and they don't feel right in my hands. This pretty much ends the S&W debate for me.
My brother loves his S&W .45ACP (I don't know what model #). He says "Yes, it's ugly, but it works well, was inexpensive, and S&W will fix anything if it ever breaks." I've yet to see or fire it. For now I'll stick with SIG/HK.
I have never liked thier auto's.
They are ugly, and they dont fit my hand.
As far as accuracy and reliability....
I would rather pay more for Sig/HK, and have.
Never found one that was not uncomfortable to shoot. A real pity considering how nice the revolvers are.
I like Smith & Wesson Autos about the same as I like Ruger autos, Lorcins, Hi-Points, Ravens, and Pheonix Arms.

People have told me they LIKE those 3rd Gen Smiths... I say "Well, nobody's perfect."
And just what the heck is up with the Smith numbering system?

The following is an actual converation I had in a gunshop... Only the names have been changed to protect the innocent:

"Hey Kodiac, what's up?"
"Yeah, I want to look at that model 4089722 in stainless."
"Oh, that's the 40943753..."
"Oh, exuse me... I didn't know..."
"You dont have the S&W decoder ring, do you?"
"Ah, no... can I get one?"
"Ah, no..."
"Why not?
"If you don't know, we aren't supposed to tell you."
"Oh. Never mind then... Can I have another hi-cap for my USP 40 and a Galco catalog?"
I do like Smith auto's. Like the revolers better.They fit my hand and seem to be soft shooter.The bore is low in the hand. Like the straight in design of the magazine and chamber.Can feed an empty case out of the magazine into the chamber.(Glocks can too)Have a few,even a 39,can not remember a hiccup in anyone.jer
Got a slingshot that's never jammed either...

Some people even like Lorcins...

Sorry, I'm just cranky.
I knew there had to be someone out there supporting the massive number of guns that they are shipping!-

Only one thing I disagree with. I don't see the smiths as having a low bore line, in fact, they seem ot have a rather high bore line, relative to the trigger finger.
A quick check bewteen my shorty-forty and my G23 shows a significantly bigger a gap onthe Smith.
Three for sure at my agency where, during the course of the past 27 years Smith autos have been authorized as an option or issue, they didn't become FBI LEO fatality statistics after being disarmed in 1-on-1 knock down, drag out brawls. Two managed to eject the magazines, one after having been shot; the third, carried his pistol with the decocking lever in the "safe" position.
S&W has in excess of 50 documented cases where LEO lives are saved because of the externally operated safety or magazine safety.
Rob,You seem to be right.Don't have a shorty fourty or a Glock.But compared my 3913 to a Hi Power and 1911.I'm suprised at the small amount of difference.Sorry I'late with a replay had software problems. jer

Okay I`m gonna do it...I`m gonna say the "S" word. What about the Sigma? I have a Sigma 40V that`s been a great shooter for a couple thousand rounds. No jams period. Combat accuracy is good,grip`s very comfy,no signs of wear, and all for $300. That`s hard to beat. IMO it compares very favorably to the Glocks. Biggest bummer is hi caps cost an arm and a leg,oh well. Marcus
My department issues 5906s. I carry a 3914 off duty. I preferred the Beretta 92F I carried before the city issued autos. No .45s approved for on duty use yet. We got the 5906s in '92 and since we've had to replace the extractors in all of them. Also recently installed different action springs so they handled the issue 9mm +P+ better.

We're pushing the chief for .45s or at least permission to purchse and carry our own, but no luck yet.
I carry a 3914 quite a bit. It has less bulk than the Glock-17, but I don't shoot it quite as well. That does't mean that it doesn't shoot well though.

The Hogue replacement stocks make it fit the hand a little better. The stock sights are OK, but now thery are a one-white-dot system, since the paint fell out of the rear sight depressions.

Wlhen we can use a backup gun in tactical matches, the 3914 goes on the opposite side from the Glock. I've only had to use it once in a match, but it was there and worked.
What is not to like about S&W auto's. They are no more blocky than Glocks. They are very reliable and reasonably accurate.
A lot of folks don't care for the feel of the S&W 3rd Gens because they lack that solid 1911 feel. I love the 908 I've had for a couple of years. It has never jamed and shoots 3.5 inches at 25 yards. For $300, that will work. I need to replace the sights with Trijicons because plastic ones are a travesty. I think the other value series are a good deal but I only like the lines of the 908. I also prefer the non-ambidextrous safety though I dislike slide mounted safties in general.

I'm a bit annoyed that Smith hypes the "Tactical" series so much. Should'nt their regular production pieces be of similiar quality?

I agree Smith revolvers still kick butt.
A lot of folks don't care for the feel of the S&W 3rd Gens because they lack that solid 1911 feel. I love the 908 I've had for a couple of years. It has never jamed and shoots 3.5 inches at 25 yards. For $300, that will work. I need to replace the sights with Trijicons because plastic ones are a travesty. I think the other value series are a good deal but I only like the lines of the 908. I also prefer the non-ambidextrous safety though I dislike slide mounted safties in general.

I'm a bit annoyed that Smith hypes the "Tactical" series so much. Should'nt their regular production pieces be of similiar quality?

I agree Smith revolvers still kick butt.
One of my sons is in law enforcement and his agency issues the 4506.They choose it years ago because of the caliber,the safety features and stainless steel.Propably a good choice for those reasons.
Me? I dont like it.

Better days to be,

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