Anybody Use a BSA Red Dot 30?

I have one on my Smith 22a. I like it a lot. I have it sighted in at 50 yards, usually shoot at 25 yards though.
I have one on my plinging rifles - mossberg 22lr, I will probally be putting my regular scope back on it as I don't feel comfortable with it on.
Now I might have to buy something else to put it on.
I've had this one on an MK II for a couple of years.


For $25, it seems to be a nice value.

Not a bad dot for the price if you luck out and get a good one. The one I had several years ago wouldn't hold zero. (On a .22 auto!):(

I have used one on my .45-70 Contender (14") It has held zero acceptably well, but in bright sunlight, the dot goes away (very hard to see), even at the highest setting.