Anybody taken apart a Tokarev TT?


New member
Beyond a field strip, that is...I was popping the extractors out of my surplus pistols to clean the grime out, but on my TTC the pin refuses to budge.

I'm sure I'm using the right size punch, and I've whacked it pretty hard, but don't want to go all out on it for fear of missing/gouging/etc.

Has anyone else had this issue, or is there something I'm doing wrong here?
What's the 't' for, taper?

I'm trying to tap it out from the bottom/inside of the slide, through the top. It's slightly recessed inside the slide by the firing pin channel, and sticking out the top of the slide slightly.

I gave it a tap or two from the top of the slide, but I really doubt that's the direction it's supposed to go because there's no real way to hit the pin without slipping off and gouging the slide (I'm no expert so I could be wrong...).
The pin is driven out from the bottom of the slide. They usually are not very tight, but could be rusted in place. The pin is friction fit, not tapered. The extractor pulls straight forward; don't try to pry it out. Be careful not to lose the spring; there is no plunger.

Ordinarily, I don't recommend removal of extractors of that type unless something needs replaced; a spray penetrant will take care of most cleaning needs.

Well when I got it I just did the usual field strip to get out the remaining cosmoline crud.

I popped out the extractors on my CZ-52 and CZ-82 and they had a bit of gunk on them; maybe I'm being OCD but I just figured I'd get everything nice and clean.

I didn't think they'd be tapered but I gave the thing several very hard whacks and it doesn't seem like I've budged it. The gun isn't pristine, but it's certainly not in any kind of bad shape. I was able to get out the bigger pin that runs the width of the slide (and cuts through the firing pin channel) without much trouble.

If I'd never fiddled with it it probably wouldn't make a difference in the world, but now it's going to bug me. I have a feeling I'm going to end up with a broken punch, a heavily scratched slide, or an embarrassing request at the gun shop to remove a single pin for me...
My 1953 Romanian Tokarev (also no rust to be seen anywhere on this excellent-condition gun) has the same problem: The pin holding the extractor won't budge (and yes, I was trying to punch it out from the bottom which I believe is the right direction) and I gave it some pretty good whacks.

I decided to cease making any further attempts because I didn't want to risk damaging the pin or the slide.

-- John D.
I wouldn't mess with it. So long as the gun functions fine I really don't see any need to remove the extractor. Just clean any gunk out from under the extractor hook at the face of the slide and you should be fine.
Of course that's true, but I like to be able to take everything down and do a good/complete cleaning...especially when I buy a gun. Couldn't do it here and that bothered me just on principle. And to add insult to injury, if you will, the Tokarev videos I saw on YouTube showed this particular pin coming out without any extra effort required.

Regardless, I'm leaving it alone!

-- John D.
I have had several of those extractors out, including the one I took out to check before responding to the OP. They usually seem to require little effort and the latest one needed only a few light taps.

Ok well I appreciate the help guys. As mentioned, it probably doesn't matter, but it just bugs me because something's not right. Plus I know there's gunk in there.

I'll leave it for now, but one of these days I'm either attacking it or surrendering to a shop...
Well, just for the record, the Toke I had apart the other day was Russian, and I just tried with a Chinese with the same result. I don't have a Rumanian, I guess they used a tighter fit.

Quick update. This past weekend I decided to make myself a frozen pizza and toss the slide in the oven while I was at it.

I didn't leave it in there long enough to get ridiculously hot, just to where it felt warm through my hot pad (say <200 degrees).

Whacked it a couple times with the punch and still nothing! It must be a rust thing, because it was certainly warm enough to loosen the fit--but the gun doesn't have any rust/pitting anywhere.

Not fun having my pistol conspire against me...